
Sep 3, 2016
Been having recent BSOD issues for about a week
I have scanned for memory problems, sfc scan, harddrive scanning, updated windows 10 and my graphic card drivers and nothing pops up wrong but still getting the bsod issue.
It happened while I was on firefox and other time when it was idle (not in sleep mode)

Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Intel i5 4690k 3.50ghz
16 RAM
Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb
931 WD Harddrive

Here's my minidumps

It sucks when you run ddu and the driver you install causes the same BSOD again.
Nviddmkm.sys is part of the Nvidia drivers, it says it under 1st line - Nvidia driver version 432.00
its from November.

So what to do, we know its the Nvidia driver, we have the MS driver and its still crashing.
April driver - crashes
Nov driver - crashes.
Wonder how we get earlier drivers from Nvidia - the oldest on here are from November which is um, not exactly helpful - https://www.geforce.com/drivers -you could try some of them.

What brand name is the 1060? could always go to the maker of card, if it still causes errors I would swap GPU into another system and see if it causes similar there as it might be the card
I could guess. its the lack of a motherboard...

or maybe GPU drivers

Do you have latest Nvidia drivers? If so, I have seen a few cases where the new drivers cause BSOD on 10 series cards. Could try running DDU and instead of getting drivers from Nvidia, run windows update and let it find drivers.


In case I am wrong, I will ask a friend to convert dumps.
My PC has updated drivers and I just updated my GPU very recently. it blue screen on my previous gpu driver and then i updated them and the same bsod occurred. I haven't had any motherboad related issues and its currently update to date.
Hi, I ran the dump files through the debugger and got the following information: https://sforzandolove.htmlpasta.com/

File information:050120-5156-01.dmp (May 1 2020 - 19:09:49)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: Discord.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 3 Hour(s), 40 Min(s), and 01 Sec(s)

File information:042920-4984-01.dmp (Apr 29 2020 - 17:59:47)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: System)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 1 Hour(s), 55 Min(s), and 17 Sec(s)

Comment: 2 or more types of RAM are installed.

Possible Motherboard page: https://us.msi.com/Motherboard/Z97-GAMING-5.html
You have BIOS version 1.13 installed. I don't see that version on the webapge. Maybe I have the wrong page?

This information can be used by others to help you. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.
how long you been running the 2 different types of ram for? If forever, then they probably not cause, just asking :)
Older dumps from before last ones:

Dump 1 looks like GPU drivers like I suggested

Dump 2 has this in stack text - tcpip!TcpPeriodicTimeoutHandler+0x5c8
tcpip - transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
Its what windows uses to talk to internet
Try updating your lan drivers - https://support.killernetworking.com/download/killer-drivers-installation-64bit/
I ran the new dump file through the debugger and got the following information: https://insolventibis.htmlpasta.com/

File information:050420-6312-01.dmp (May 4 2020 - 03:45:52)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: steam.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 12 Hour(s), 42 Min(s), and 16 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.
Yeah I've had these sticks for awhile now. I'll re-install my killer drivers to see if that fixes it. I've had past BSOD issues with killer network stuff before so it could be the same issue.

another bsod, i ran a program called whocrashed and it came up with this
It sucks when you run ddu and the driver you install causes the same BSOD again.
Nviddmkm.sys is part of the Nvidia drivers, it says it under 1st line - Nvidia driver version 432.00
its from November.

So what to do, we know its the Nvidia driver, we have the MS driver and its still crashing.
April driver - crashes
Nov driver - crashes.
Wonder how we get earlier drivers from Nvidia - the oldest on here are from November which is um, not exactly helpful - https://www.geforce.com/drivers -you could try some of them.

What brand name is the 1060? could always go to the maker of card, if it still causes errors I would swap GPU into another system and see if it causes similar there as it might be the card
My 1060 6gb card is a EVGA card. I don't have another system but I do have an older gpu laying around. I'll try a different drive but if that doesn't get anyway, I'll try swap the GPU out with another to see if it's gpu itself.