BSOD Loop Error


May 8, 2017
My windows 10 PC was working fine last night, but as i go to turn it on today i am greeted with the infinitely looping BSOD error. I have called microsoft and they cant help. i cant get t command prompt as everyone tells me to do as the pc wont go past the constant never ending restart loop.
On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB

is there anything on C drive you want to rescue? try making this on another PC: - just in case

what advice are you given to do in cmd anyway??

what bsod message is it? does it mention a file name?

knowing what is wrong helps to figure out how to fix it
On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB

is there anything on C drive you want to rescue? try making this on another PC: - just in case

what advice are you given to do in cmd anyway??

what bsod message is it? does it mention a file name?

knowing what is wrong helps to figure out how to fix it
Using the windows 10 media creation tool, will it wipe my PC or anything i have in my Hard Drive or storage?

In cmd i am told to do sfc SCANNOW (which is apparently ment to stop the error)

media creation tool just lets you make a Win 10 installer on USB or DVD, I get it mainly to help booting, run repair tools and maybe to reinstall win 10 if we have no other choice. If we run installation process it will likely want to wipe C drive but if storage is on another hard drive, it won't touch it. You could use the linux CD to copy things off C onto storage if its another hdd, that way you don't lose anything valuable.

If you make the installer, in its repair menu it includes Command Prompt (CMD), you can try to run sfc /scannow, it doesn't always work from in CMD from the installer, but its worth a try.

change boot order so USB is first, hdd second
boot from installer
on screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install.
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose command prompt
type sfc /scannow and press enter
type exit once complete and restart PC and see if it helped.
Right when i use the USB to try re-install windows it says "The upgrade option isn't available if you start your computer using windows installation media.
If a copy of Windows is already installed on this computer and you want to upgrade, remove the installation media and restart your computer. After Windows has started normally, insert the installation media and run Windows Setup."

i don't know what any of this means?
it means windows is being a pain and is stuck in a loop. It thinks you are trying to upgrade windows when really you want to boot off USB and fix it. I wonder if win 10 was in the middle of an upgrade itself - a new version of win 10 came out in the last 3 weeks so just maybe you had received it the day before it acted like this at start up.

Do you know if you have an ssd or hdd?

Did you use ubuntu to copy things off you want to save?
I do have an SSD and a HDD
i didn't use Ubuntu as i don't have a DVD drive or discs to burn, only USB.
I also tried doing a system restore back to 6 days ago but as it started it said the system restore cannot be complete as there is a problem in the c drive that needs to be fixed. I don't think i can fix this drive without being on the PC but i'm not sure.

I am trying out that ubuntu for usb now.

i guess the ssd is boot drive? main reason I asked is I think we need to wipe the boot drive and if it had been a hdd I have a program that can do it but it doesn't work on ssd.

You could use the ubuntu live usb to wipe ssd -

Windows is messed up, I think only sane approach is copy everything off ssd onto hdd you want to keep and once ssd is wiped, reinstall win 10 again. I don't know what caused this
I don't think you did 1 step, you meant to have chosen "Try Ubuntu with no change to my computer" and it should run off the USB and not need to install.

did you follow this: or did the other link tell you to install?
It didn't look like that when i started it up so i must have missed it, it looked more updated. ill go back and see if i can find it again. ill let you know what happens. thanks
No it doesn't appear that that is an option when i launch it.

The only options i have are: Try Ubuntu without installing, Install Ubuntu, OEM install (for manufacturers), Check disc for defects.

They are the options that i get given.

It probably has changed, i will ask for help from someone who knows Linux as that link is pretty old - you first person to mention it.

don't suppose you have another PC there you could just put ssd into as a 2nd drive (Make sure its not in boot order) and copy info off and use diskpart to wipe ssd? no need to mess around with linux then?