Ironsounds :
Hello... OK... so your BIO's is reading the New amount of RAM... then set the time... and do a save & exit of the NEW BIO's Information, did this help?
1)Is your OS able to BOOT to the Desktop?
2) When does it BSOD?
3) Is it predictable or random BSOD?
yes, already set the time and date before post this problem
1) not able
2) after the first windows 10 logo shown
3) at first its predictable, and then i boot it to safe mode, and run memory diagnostic, and there is no error, and i can boot to desktop, but the bsod came back, but this time not memory management, i forgot what the error is, and its more than one type error .
for now i've reinstalled the os, but the bsod memory management still came back