Question BSOD Memory management

Jul 8, 2019

I have an issue with my 1-year old pc. I have a i7 8700K CPU, 16 GB Corsair 3200 MHz memory (CMK16GX4M2D3200C16), Aorus Z390 pro Wi-Fi motherboard, this is a replacement, before I got an ASUS Z370 E, Gigabyte GTX1070 Ti.

I start from the beginning:

With the original motherboard I started to have BSOD at start-up, with approx. 5 different error codes. Mostly Memory management. These are occurred only at the first start at the morning, in five-month time. I got the BSOD 2-3 times during gameplay within this period. I tried to rebuild my PC, I changed memory slots, used only 1 memory, windows reinstallation. Nothing helped.

I took my PC to a shop, where after 2 days of troubleshooting, it is 99% Motherboard. They claim that they tried a different ssd, memory, and video card. They had the same issue.

I got a brand new Z390 motherboard last week. I put it together. New windows. After two days I got a BSOD again at a cold start-up, and another one at the next day. (Both memory management) Since then I just put it in sleep during the night and it comes back on without any problem.

Is anyone have a clue what is the problem can be?

Thank you in advance!
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Hello, and thak you!
It happens at the windows log in screen. Unfortunately, I can’t remember for the other codes. I got Memory management mostly, and since new MB I’ve seen this only. If I get another one, I will log it. I haven’t tried safe mode yet.