BSOD ntoskrnl.exe and vwififlt


Jun 20, 2013
Recently I decided to try bridging my PS4 to my computer's network card, it works for the most part, but when I try actually using the internet on my ps4, either through remote play to my pc or just testing the connection, it blue screens with a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. Now I have been getting this error before, just nowhere near as often, it would happen maybe once a month, and before I knew about the magicalness of Blue Screen Viewer here's my dumps.

EDIT: Oh, I ran a memory diagnostic and no errors came up, I have an ASUS PCE-AC68 network card, MSI 990fxa motherboard, with killer ethernet, 16 gb of ram, forgot what kind and brand, but it's 4 sticks, two different types but from the same company, Win10, 650w psu, 8350, 970 sc, various corsair fans and corsair liquid cooling. Did I forget anything?
vwififlt - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver - Driver for various wireless network cards. Do you have these drivers:

New Technology Operating System Kernel (ntoskrnl) just gets the blame for driver errors. Its not the cause, its actually an incredibly important part of windows, hence why when it crashes, so does windows.

I do have that driver, and it is up to date. The adapter actually doesn't run without those drivers. I'm honestly even more confused now. Since everything is up to date, and it would seem to be running correctly, why do I get random BSODs?