Hello guys! 2 days ago computer started getting BSOD's everytime I'm running Dota 2. In every single BSOD listed just ntoskrnl.exe. I tried installing Win 10 and Win 7 but still getting it. Ran memetest and crystaldiskinfo with victoria. All clear. Whats the problem? https://www.dropbox.com/s/3jdfblauvkcgly9/072517-23119-01.dmp?dl=0 - minidump file. Win 7 x64, GTX 960, I3-6100, 16 gb ram
P.S. Every BSOD includes different errors, from kmode exception not handled to apc_index_mismatch
P.P.S One of BSOD's said me about file tcpip.sys
P.S. Every BSOD includes different errors, from kmode exception not handled to apc_index_mismatch
P.P.S One of BSOD's said me about file tcpip.sys