BSOD on Battlefield 4 Help me please.


Dec 15, 2013
So i was playing Battlefield 4 yesterday and after about one hour of gameplay i got a blue screen of death.Can someone help me find what caused it?My catalyst drivers are on 13.9 version.
My specs are:
i5 4670
Sapphire 7770 Ghz edition
8Gb 1333 mhz ddr3 ram
650watt PSU
I think it might be a problem with my power supply because its a really cheap one.What are your suggestions?
Grab ccleaner, driver fusion and latest catalyst beta 13.11 9.5

Remove current driver and don't restart
Run driver fusion and driver cleaner then restart.
On restart run ccleaner file then registry cleaner till no errors.
Install driver as custom and only install driver and HDMI driver.

See if helps
all the bf4 posts should help tell you somthing. ++ on buggy. guys who write code today dont seem to do good as the old timeres did when ''real'' pc gaming was in the hayday. and then most of these games today were wrote for a console and converted to pc. then you got to relye on a 3ed party in order to play the game [steam, origen whoever] so you dont know if its you or them to blame... manatory 3ed party accounts, internet connection required. i anit supporting that. good luck.
On who crashed it sais😀ate/Time15/12/2013 BugCheck name WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR BugCheck code 0x124 Parameter 1 0x0 Parameter 2 0xFFFFFA8009E37028 Parameter 3 0xBE000000 Parameter 4 0x100110A Probably cause by hal.dll Uptime 00d 05:59:05 Machine says nothing there Build 7601 Service Pack 1 Architecture x64 (64 bit) CPU count 4