[SOLVED] BSOD on first boot with 2 separate motherboards and 2 different sets of RAM (that both work on other machines)

Apr 2, 2021
This post is going to be rather long so sit tight.

About 3 months ago I got a Ryzen 2700X to replace my Ryzen 3 2300x. I was running it on my ASUS B450m-a motherboard with crucial ballistix ram (8 gb), I have an ASUS gtx 1060-3gb and use a samsung 1tb ssd along with a 1tb wd blue for storage and Corsair 550w psu. After the switch things were great. The CPU load was very low in intensive games and I noticed that everything was generally more smooth and responsive.

After about 1 month of this great experience I needed to re download windows to start fresh on my PC with windows 10 pro and have a fresh slate. After the re-download things went fine until I realized that I couldn't hit the "restart" button without it powering my PC down 100% and not coming back on. This didn't bother me much because I normally just put it to "sleep" anyway. A few weeks later I got a BSOD saying IRQL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL or something along those lines along with some "Kernel error" styled BSOD as well if I would let it restart and try to boot again. I tried trouble shooting for a while. I reset the CMOS on my motherboard and tried using the windows repair tool. I moved my RAM modules to different slots. I formatted my drive back to factory using a friends PC. I tried reinstalling windows again from usb and it installed almost all the way until I got the same BSOD.

After more trouble shooting I just decided that my motherboard was corrupted and maybe my ssd or RAM was as well. So, I bought a new motherboard and ssd and borrows a working set of 16GB ram from a roommate. I rebuilt my PC. This time with my new ASROCK B450m steel legend, Ryzen 7 2700x, new samsung ssd, same gtx 1060, and working Corsair predator RAM with the same psu.

I built everything and it powered on nicely. The system boots up into the bios and displays my components. So I plug in my fresh windows usb install and boot in UEFI mode. After loading into windows setup menu it swirls for a second and then I get a BSOD saying IRQL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL or some kernel styled errors again. The same errors as before, with a brand new mobo, ram, and ssd. I tried rebooting into the bios to see what was happening and it then said 0GB of ram. I thought this was strange so I unplugged everything a reinstalled the ram. After reinstalling it showed up again like before. All my components are there in the bios menu so once again I boot into my usb windows install and boom. Same thing happens again. I rinse and repeat with my old RAM now. Same error. My friend puts his RAM back in his PC and it works fine.

This leaves me to believe my Ryzen 7 2700x CPU must have something wrong with it. It seems unlikely that BOTH mobos and SSD's would be corrupted since one was working fine for a very long time and that my brand new one boots into the bios just fine and lights up when psu is on. As I said before both RAM sets work fine in other machines. The only parts that are the same from my old build are the PSU, GPU, and CPU. The PSU and GPU i dont think could have any effect on the errors im getting in bootup.

If anyone out there has encountered a similar problem or could help me troubleshoot even further please let me know, any help is appreciated. I am going to put my Ryzen 3 back in the system when I get back home from college and see if that magically fixes everything but until then I would really like to know if I can do anything to save my Ryzen 7.
As of right now, everything in my PC is: Ryzen 7 2700x, Asrock B450m Steel Legend(brand new), 8GB crucuial ballistix, GTX 1060-3GB, Corsair 550 PSU, Samsung 1TB ssd (brand new)

I would love to run the CPU test but I cant boot into windows in the first place sadly.