BSOD only in Far Cry 3


May 20, 2013
Yeah, trying to play Far Cry 3 on my new 4k monitor and it's not being nice.

I get into the menu for the game, go to new single player game, pick my difficulty, it pauses as if it's loading (staying on the difficulty selection screen) and then I get a 0x0124 BSOD.

EVGA SR-2 Motherboard
2x Xeon X5650 (not overclocked, yet)
24 GB Corsair RAM
2x GTX 670 4GB (SLI)
1200w Corsair AX1200 PSU
Samsung UD590D 4k @ 60 hz over DisplayPort.

Heat is set to 62F in my house and it's ~20F outside, likely somewhere between there in my room as I hate being too hot and prefer cold. GPUs idling at 30-35C on the desktop, CPUs and their cores idling between 23C and 32C. Seriously doubt it is a heat issue as I've played SWTOR for hours and hours on end and have seen my GPUs near 100C (reference coolers, never again) with no BSOD or loss of performance.

Far Cry 3 is set to everything maxed (ultra), while I realize I will likely get crappy framerates as my 670s are already 2 generations old, the 4k not helping any of course, this should not be a reason for it to BSOD, as I attempted the same thing (seeing what framerates I'd get with 4k/2 670s) with Crysis 3 on 4k with everything maxed with these cards. It ran fine - no BSOD - but with 15 FPS.

Already exhausted all the google options, set PhysX to CPU, to no avail.
Does your GTX670 SLI configuration is 2GB or 4GB per card ?? If only 2GB per card you cant do FarCry 3 at 4k, everything set to Ultra.

Try lower the graphics quality setting to medium or even low at 4k to check whether the game can run.
Does your GTX670 SLI configuration is 2GB or 4GB per card ?? If only 2GB per card you cant do FarCry 3 at 4k, everything set to Ultra.

Try lower the graphics quality setting to medium or even low at 4k to check whether the game can run.