BSOD playing Pubg. Analyzed .dmp. Do not understand what to do. HELP

Download HWINFO and get a 2nd opinion on speccy, it might be looking at the wrong sensor output as I have sensors in my Asus board that are always wrong scores -

MSI Afterburner can have these effects just by being installed. It loads sys files at boot that might mess with CPU

You have the newest bios but there is something called an MEUpdate showing in the BIOS section of Asus web site and it might help, I am not sure what it fixes:
Intel has identified security issue that could potentially place impacted platform at risk.
Use ME Update tool to update your ME.
*We suggest you update ME Driver to the latest Version simultaneously.

ME Driver can be found under...
Are you over clocked? If so, remove it.

what are specs of the PC? what motherboard do you have?

WHEA = Windows Hardware error Architecture, its an error called by CPU but not necessarily caused by it.
Can be caused by overclocking software so if motherboard is made by Asus, remove AI Suite.
If GPU is made by Asus, remove GPU Tweak 2
Remove MSI Afterburner if installed

Can you follow option one here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)

Can you run this on CPU:

Thank you for your reply,
I have ASUS H110M-K motherboard
Have not overclocked anything, but still deleted AI suite
Passed the test as green.
I uploaded my dump files HERE -
Hope someone could read them.
Hi, I ran the dump files through the debugger and got the following information:

File: 120917-6968-01.dmp (Dec 9 2017 - 11:49:41)
Probably caused by: intelppm.sys (Process: System)
Uptime: 0 Day(s), 4 Hour(s), 04 Min(s), and 04 Sec(s)

File: 120817-6906-01.dmp (Dec 8 2017 - 13:06:54)
Probably caused by: GenuineIntel (Process: services.exe)
Uptime: 0 Day(s), 22 Hour(s), 16 Min(s), and 25 Sec(s)

The GPU tweaking driver "iomap64.sys" was found on your system. Remove all overclocks.

I can't help you with this. Wait for additional replies. Good luck.

Thanks for answer,
I have not overclocked anything, downloaded msi afterburner to check if there is any +'s but none, Also checked cpu Ghz, Standart mode 4200, and turbo 4500.
Also my motherboard temperature in Speccy is 115 degrees. But in BIOS it is 33. Is it a real problem or a glitch on temperature reader?
Download HWINFO and get a 2nd opinion on speccy, it might be looking at the wrong sensor output as I have sensors in my Asus board that are always wrong scores -

MSI Afterburner can have these effects just by being installed. It loads sys files at boot that might mess with CPU

You have the newest bios but there is something called an MEUpdate showing in the BIOS section of Asus web site and it might help, I am not sure what it fixes:
Intel has identified security issue that could potentially place impacted platform at risk.
Use ME Update tool to update your ME.
*We suggest you update ME Driver to the latest Version simultaneously.

ME Driver can be found under chipset