Hi, so i have recently built my new computer and everything seemed to be running fine until i started getting a few BSODs about 3 or 4 times a week. The error message is almost always the same: Page Fault In Nonpaged Area. Upon analyzing the dump file thing with bluescreenview, it consistently tells me that it is being caused by ntoskrnl.exe. I assumed it might have been the ram and i ran memtest for a while and got no errors. Then i wanted to check if the timings, speed and voltage on ram was set correctly, which it wasn't. so i set it to D.O.C.P in the bios and checked with the motherboard QVL to make sure the were correct. The timings are set to 15-17-17-35 in the bios, but in CPU-Z on the memory tab it is telling me that it is set at 16-17-17-35. So i checked with the Ryzen Master program that does overclocking and stuff for you. On the memory controller section it is telling me the same thing: 16-17-17-35. I tried changing the CAS latency through there from 16 to 15 but when i restart the computer it is back to 16 again.
I really cant seem to figure out where the BSODs are coming from so i am assuming it is that. But why is the CAS latency still showing 16, and could that be the cause of those BSODs?
I really cant seem to figure out where the BSODs are coming from so i am assuming it is that. But why is the CAS latency still showing 16, and could that be the cause of those BSODs?