BSOD problems, Help please


Jun 3, 2015
So for the past 3-4 months ive been bombarded with BSODs like 2-6 times a day. Last month i reinstalled windows as i thought it may have been a virus. Now with a clean windows install ive been getting these specific BSODs, Memory Managment, pfn_list_corrupt, irql_not_less_or_equal and the occasional critical_structure_corruption . The first 3 happens daily around 2-5 times..

Also ive noticed that my games,google crashes alot and occasionally they get corrupted and i have to reinstall them...

ive ran Windows memory diagnostic around 6 times and i found no errors... yet i still think my ram is the issue..

If anyone requires further info such as pc specs just say.

Help please!

[OS = Windows 10]


make screenshot of the result and post them here.

btw. check your RAM with this

my screen shot, ok will try the memtest ..

So memtest is currently going on for about 5 hours.. its on test 11, with 3 passes and 4608 errors.... guess my RAM is bad after all.continue test?

also im guessing i'll have to get new RAM but id like to make sure that its only RAM i need... any other scans you suggest for me to do?

don't bother to continue or try another test before you replaced that broken RAM...
RMA the RAM :)

Should i individually check the RAM sticks, also don't thing RMA is an option for 1.5 year old RAM and lastly i would like to make sure its just RAM causing the BSODs in case i need other hardware...

most RAM have lifetime warranty, chances are yours too.
if your RAM a kit, dont bother check individual. just RMA them.
and lastly you cant check other hardware when you dont have a good working normal RAM.

go to your RAM manufacture website and look for RMA...