Mar 24, 2020
Two days ago I got BSOD. I got it about 2 seconds after I closed the league of legends client. Here is dump file:
After that BSOD league of legends started crashing. In two days it crashed 5 times. It never crashed in 2 months of playing it. Today I got BSOD while I was playing. Here is link:

PC specs:
Motherboard: asrock b450 pro4
CPU: amd ryzen 3 2200g
RAM: HX432C16PB3K2/8
PSU: be quiet! System power 9 - 500W


Hi, I ran the dump files through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:050320-22546-01.dmp (May 3 2020 - 09:15:39)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: League of Legends.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 7 Hour(s), 45 Min(s), and 08 Sec(s)

File information:050120-16562-01.dmp (May 1 2020 - 17:55:06)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: LeagueClientUxRender.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 15 Hour(s), 15 Min(s), and 52 Sec(s)

Possible Motherboard page: Pro4/
There are possible BIOS updates for your system (depending on your CPU). Wait for additional information before deciding to update or not. Important: Verify that I have linked to the correct motherboard. Updating your BIOS can be risky. Never try it when you might lose power (lightning storms, recent power outages, etc).

This information can be used by others to help you. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.


Win 11 Master
is noiseblocker something to block sound getting to microphone? Its 2nd time I seen it this week
Is Krispvad.sys also a noise cancelling app? (Part of Krisp)
We just like to know what driver descriptions are to track and fix unknowns :)

I was expecting Nvidia drivers when i saw the errors, I think its the GPU drivers. You might want to run DDU and try different drivers
Mar 24, 2020
Yes krisp and noiseblocker block noise from mic. I will uninstall them. I reinstalled GPU driver with DDU about two months back, because I was getting a black screen while playing . So should I do it again?


Sometimes older drivers work better. Windows Update often provides an older stable driver too. Sometimes a slightly older version than the latest works best too. Consider trying a different version than the one you've been using, either from Windows Update (probably quite old), or a slightly older one listed on the NVIDIA page. Use DDU again.


Win 11 Master
The 2 mic programs are probably fine, I was just trying to identify drivers we had not seen before.

He has an AMD GPU but advice still applies :)

we used to Nvidia cards having issues with drivers, its almost refreshing to have an AMD card :)
Mar 24, 2020
So, here is another BSOD that I got before I reinstalled the GPU driver:
Then I uninstalled the GPU driver and wanted to keep it install windows update but it just installed "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Display - 26.20.12028.2" so I had to install again the drive I had before. Then I played for about ten hours and it looked cool, but then I got a BSOD again:
Mar 24, 2020
Now I have another problem. It may not be related to that but the sound stops working for me. I was watching a video when the sound suddenly shattered. The annoying sound played for a few seconds and then the sound stopped working completely.
I couldn't change the volume and when I opened the sound settings in the control panel, it said that Windows Shell Common DLL stopped working, when I started troubleshooting, I got a message that one service was not running and the sound started working again but in about a few minutes it happened again. Now, while I was writing this message, the sound started working automatically again.


I ran the dump files through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:050920-18781-01.dmp (May 9 2020 - 04:06:18)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: csgo.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 2 Hour(s), 42 Min(s), and 13 Sec(s)

File information:050620-20578-01.dmp (May 6 2020 - 15:40:21)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: dwm.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 3 Hour(s), 13 Min(s), and 07 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.


Win 11 Master
Both appear to be GPU drivers to blame
2nd one was more obvious than 1st as DWM.exe = Windows desktop manager, its job is to talk to GPU
Also mentions this - DxgkEngVisRgnUniq which sure looks like a Graphics function. Dxgk - Direct X

1st bsod has win32kfull!SpAlphaBlend+eb (+0x8b0) in error text, that also looks like a GPU function.

its almost refreshing to find someone who isn't using Nvidia. I would suggest running DDU and installing an older driver apart from the April ones.

note: there is a small chance its sound. DirectX covers both sound and Graphics, I wwould say well over 95% of the errros that mention DirectX are GPU drivers but there is always the chance, only as you did mention sound problems.
Mar 24, 2020
I reinstalled Realtek Audio and it was looking good, but today I got next BSOD:
I don't know, but it seems to me that the sound is still weird. The sound sometimes gets stuck for a while. This happened before, but only when I dropped FPS in the game. But now it seems to me that the game runs perfectly fine and the sound just gets stuck.
If it still seems to be caused by the GPU driver from the BSOD, then I will try to install the older one


I ran the dump file through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:051320-19156-01.dmp (May 13 2020 - 06:54:25)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: MemCompression)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 6 Hour(s), 01 Min(s), and 30 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.


Win 11 Master
i can't tell what the cause was but its all in virtual memory addresses. i spent a while trying to work out what leaf pages were in memory, they seem tto be indexes. Its funny that memory terms are like its a book. a book with 1.8 exabytes of virtual memory (as win 10 lets every process think its got almost unlimited memory, its up to windows to juggle the memory so you never run out)
Mar 24, 2020
Now I found a lot of errors in the event viewer after installing the older GPU driver.
Here are some errors:
SENS could not log in as NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM with the currently configured password due to the following error:
Request not supported.

The SENS service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not start because login failed.

AudioEndpointBuilder could not log in as NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM with the currently configured password due to the following error:
Request not supported.

Use the Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in to ensure that the service is configured correctly.

The AudioEndpointBuilder service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not start because login failed.

The Audiosrv service depends on the AudioEndpointBuilder service, which failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not start because login failed.

The SysMain service terminated with the following error:
The authentication service is unknown.

The Encryption service did not initialize the VSS System Writer backup object.

Could not query the status of the EventSystem service.

System Error:
The system is shutting down.

So i found out that these errors occurred before installation of GPU driver.
Here are the errors that occurred after installation:
The RasMan service depends on the SstpSvc service, which failed to start due to the following error:
The operation was completed successfully.

GamingServices terminated with the following error:
The operation returned because it timed out.

The Network Connection Provider service stopped responding during startup.

The Connected Devices Platform service depends on the Network Connection Provider service, which failed to start because of the following error:
At startup, the service is stuck in the startup state.

Volume Shadow Copy Service Error: Unexpected DeviceIoControl error (\\? \ Volume {cc8f37f0-0000-0000-0000-602200000000} - 00000000000001B0,0x0053c008,0000027DE0D06870,0,0000027DE0D078A0,4096, [0]). hr = 0x80070079, Traffic light timed out.
The EndPrepareSnapshots event is being processed
Execution context: System Provider

The SSGDIO service failed to start due to the following error:
Access Denied.
Last edited:


Win 11 Master
Most event viewer errors can be ignored

this might fix the AudioEndpointBuilder service error
Solution Found:

1) Click on start menu, type in the search box, Services and hit enter.

2) find "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder", right click on it and then click on properties.

3) Under "startup type" in the drop down box, select "Disabled" then click apply.

4) At the top of the properties window, click on the "Log On" tab.

5) under "Log on as:" select "This account:" and in the box, type in: Local Service

6) For the "Password" and "Confirm password" use your account password that you used to log in to Windows. (must be a administrator account type)

7) click on "Apply" and click "OK" when the dialog box appears.

8) Click "OK" to close the properties window.

9) find "Windows Audio", right click on it and then click on properties

10) Repeat steps 3 through 8.

11) close the "Services" window, and restart your computer.

12) When you have logged back on ,click on start menu, type in the search box, "services" and hit enter

13) find "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder", right click on it and then click on properties.

14) Under "startup type" in the drop down box, select "Automatic"then click apply and click on "Start".

15) Click "OK" to close the properties window.

16) find "Windows Audio", right click on it and then click on properties.

17) Repeat steps 14 and 15.

18) close the "Services" window, and check your sound to see if it works.

no idea about SENS - System Event Notification Service (SENS)


I ran the dump file through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:051620-19468-01.dmp (May 15 2020 - 19:28:51)
Bugcheck:BugCheck 1000009F
Driver warnings:*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for amd_xata.sys
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: System)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 18 Hour(s), 44 Min(s), and 44 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.