BSOD windows 7

How old is this system??

This file AN983X64.sys belongs to ADMtek AN983/AN985 based ethernet adapter and it's 10 years old !

Is this the onboard ethernet port? Are you using the ethernet connection, to get online?

It's possible this is the cause

I would also disable AMD overdrive. It's known to crash windows

Does it have onboard ethernet?? If it does (and if it works), I would use it. The drivers for the ancient adapter are too old.

And old drivers can and will crash windows

Does Wow crash (if youre playing online - I dont know if you can). I dont play it. If it does thats probably the cause
ive removed the ethernet card all together and gone back to using the onboard Ethernet. So hopefully this helps if for w/e reason I get the BSOD again Do I start a new one of these or what Can I do at that point. Is there something I can read to see what is causing it like you did?