BSOD Windows 8.1 nothing stops the problem.


Apr 9, 2015
Ok so I just built this system and have checked and rechecked that everything is together right (keep in mind this is not my first rodeo at all when it comes to building computers I run a repair shop). I have run ram tests overnight on the one stick of ram 12 hours and it tested good. Hard drive is a western digital 1TB it has tested fine as well. Intel processor diagnostic tool says processor is fine. All my drivers are up to date per ASUS website. I have wiped the hard drive and reinstalled windows again with the same issues. I have the same problem on windows 7 and since the hardware was for windows 8.1 I bought a copy and still have the same problem. I am at wits end PLEASE HELP!

BSOD error 0x0000001A (0x0000000000041790, 0xfffffa8000b3fb20, 0x000000000000ffff, 0x0000000000000000)

System specs:
ASUS B85M-G R2.0 Motherboard
1 8GB Patriot DDR3 1600 PSD38G16002H
WD green 1TB HDD
450W Antec VP450F Power supply
LG DVD Burner
Windows 8.1 pro x64