[SOLVED] BSOD with 7700k OC


Dec 21, 2016

I recently got a corsair H110i cooler and I decided to amp my OC up a little.

Normally I've been running my sytem on a 4.8ghz OC with 1.295v on core voltage 2666mhz corsair vengeance 32gb ddr4 ram(manual settings) at 1.340v
It has been stable for a while.
Yesterday I activated the XMP profile for my ram(which boosts it to 3000mhz) and entered the multiiplier of 50. And windows started BDOS'ing like crazy. Couldn't get my system running.
I also didn't want to amp up the voltage much because for some reason the CPU is running hot, despite the liquid cooler(liquid cooler not doing its job properly for some reason).

What do you guys suggest ?
You made two changes at once. The bsod is probably due to corrupted info. That can happen when clocks get too high.

Revert back to your original settings, and start from there.

As an Intel CPU, the memory timer is integrated. There may also be one on the mb. Some boards allow you to choose one or the other.

So you can see how you could get bsod's when you up the CPU 300Mhz and the memory over 300Mhz at the same time.

Its also a good idea to leave the memory voltage alone unless it needs extra.
You made two changes at once. The bsod is probably due to corrupted info. That can happen when clocks get too high.

Revert back to your original settings, and start from there.

As an Intel CPU, the memory timer is integrated. There may also be one on the mb. Some boards allow you to choose one or the other.

So you can see how you could get bsod's when you up the CPU 300Mhz and the memory over 300Mhz at the same time.

Its also a good idea to leave the memory voltage alone unless it needs extra.

I don't know if the cooler is plugged into the cpu headder or not. I didn't do the installation myself.
As for the direction of the fans, the radiator is mounted on the front and the fans seem to be blowing the air inside the case.