Question BSOD with Hogwarts Legacy - Win 11 - 4080


Sep 15, 2016
Dear TH Community. I only come here when all hope has been lost. I'm trying to understand if this is a Nvidia or a game problem or maybe a combo of both.

-every time I open the game it loads the shader bar, when it reaches the latest 90% the game crashes ALWAYS
-If I try some more times, it will give me a BSOD with some WATCH_DOG_TIME OUT error or something like that, which is said to be related to CPU communication but I don't really know how to trouble shoot that kind of error.

Specs and settings:
-Rogstrix 4080 (not overclocked)
-I713700K overclocked by IA from Asus
-Z790-E overclocked with IA from Asus
-Corsair Dominator 6400HZ (XMP profile dual channel)

Notice: no other game crashes, only this one, I could try to disable the IA overclock that you can set from the BIOS, but I want to try other alternatives first, I don't like to change everything for a single game when every other game runs well

Things I have tried:
-Updated BIOS and Chipset, everything runs great
-Reinstall Nvidia drivers with DDU with MPO on and off (both give BSOD)
-Reinstall game

The only "improvement" I got from all the updates and reinstalls was that I didn't get insta BSOD as before, but only after several tries of opening the game crash after crash.

Is there no hope for us? do we need to wait for a game patch? Nvidia patch? anyone having a similar issue?

Thanks for any kind assistance, excuse my horrible English I'm not a native speaker.

Greetings and have a great week.