BTHUB5 issues in commercial environment


Nov 4, 2016
Hi, my name is Chris and i'm new here, I have been told about the forum recently and i'm requiring help with my network.

I have problem with a BTHUB5 basically completely freaking out at seemingly random times, it has 8 wireless access points connected to it (TP-LINK TL-WA801ND) they have a download speed of 30Mbps. when the access points are disconnected it works fine, but obviously that's not an option considering they paid me to install them.

i previously did the same job in a different part of the site and it worked swimmingly, only difference being the router, I used a netgear router that time.

i'm really stuck and getting bombarded with phone calls, rightly so, but this time i feel that I have jumped in at the deep end and forgotten how to swim, i'm completely stressed out, and getting calls like "this needs to work" every day they call and every day I travel miles to get them back online but it's going to be the same story tomorrow and Sunday.

Ill give some more info, the router's default gateway is and the DHCP range is .66-.253.

I have set all the access points up outside the DHCP range and obviously checked for conflicts, there are none. the ip's im using are - 28.

I have reserved these addresses and labelled everything in the BT interface DHCP is disabled on all the access points and enabled on the router.

I have tried many different IP addresses for the access points. whats happening is that the router stays blue (sometimes flashes green) but you cant see the WiFi connection from the BTHUB5 and even when cabled into the hub you cant access the interface as it just seems to stop allocating the ip's. (this does not happen if my AP's are disconnected)

I cant find the problem it happens so randomly that im not sure how to isolate the problem. i have 2 Netgear unmanaged 8 port gigabit switches each controlling 4 AP's each and sometimes they even go into freak mode and need restarting.

I was wondering if anyone here has successfully configured a multi AP system successfully using this hub. I have put 2 AP's on this hub literally 35 + times with no issues but on two of the 3 occasions when i have configured more than 3 AP's i have had major issues that i'm still managing to this day.

TP link tech support told me that 16 on a router would be fine.

I bet i have forgotten to cover some basic needs to help me troubleshoot, if anyone can help me I would be so grateful.

Thanks, Chris

My first question would be why are you using equipment like this in a commercial setting, this is all residential rubbish, without meaning to sound rude someone has paid you for an install and you have used a really poor choice of equipment. How many concurrent connections do you have on the wifi? How long is the DHCP lease time. What are you doing in the way of channels.

I'm sorry to be full of doom and gloom but this is really why a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing! You have installed equipment that has no syslog ability and is unmanageable remotely.

What do you mean by TPL said 16 on a router would be fine? 16 What?


Hi thanks for your reply, it was purely down to price I gave options of superior equipment initially, but being as the last network I installed with the same stuff was sufficient they asked me to just do the same again, except this time it's not gone as it did last time.

TP-link tech support said that there should be no issues using 16 AP's on a HUB5.

I have changed the ip address lease time down to 6hrs. I would say there would be 35-50 clients throughout the network max.

I have also set the wireless channels to 1,6,11 making sure not to overlap.