Bubbles in watercooling system


Jan 20, 2016

i just built my first watercooling system. Eventually i noticed they were a lot of small bubbles started to fill the reservoir and im getting worried as i think it might damage the system in the long run.

I need help from someone with expertise in watercooling system to answer my questions on how to clean/bleed out the air as im not well verse enough to do this on my own.

1| Mind specifying the parts you sued to build your loop?
2| If your res is filling up with bubbles, it's a good thing. It's an indication that your pump is operating and that the air bubbles in your loop(restrictive areas) are being vacated.
3| You may want to show us a picture/video of how you've set your loop up in your system.

Exact things I would also ask. Also, the photo shows the reservoir laying down, and about 80% filled. If you can eliminate more air from this, the bubble issue will go down. You're seeing bubbles from loop turbulence as coolant enters the reservoir. If there is not any air (or very little) this is less likely to happen.


I've updated my initial post. you can view the setup of my watercooling system