Budget Build Opinions needed

Oct 3, 2018
Hey, not really an issue but more after an opinion on my budget build?
Link to parts picker https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/pyZGV6
First ever build and relatively new to PC gaming. Looking to overclock my CPU slightly and will upgrade my GPU to the 1060 next year! any responses would be awesome!
thanks in advance
That's a decent build.

I would recommend going for 3200Mhz RAM ofc. At least 3000 if u can.

Also would change that power supply. Rather get the Corsair CX550M or Seasonic 520/620 S12II rather than the one you chose. It's not suited for gaming builds.

P.S: I would personally go for the 2600X.
And I would personally go for a higher-end B450 Mobo for smoother overclocking as well as future proofing your board by having 3.1 USB slots, M.2 slots and so forth since technology is evolving towards standardizing these.
Although what you picked works well tho!

Good build.

Thats wicked thanks, Ill have a look at the Seasonic 620 then! In terms of a higher-end B450 Mobo, what would you suggest thats still budget friendly?
Again, thanks for getting back to us!

Sound, Cheers mate!