Budget Card for an AMD 64x2 6000+ 3Ghz


Jul 1, 2009
The Saphire x1950 PRO on this computer is overheating. Any fullscreen video game causes a black screen/video fail after about 10 minutes. I cleaned it with a can of air , then took apart and cleaned the heatsink+fan till both were spotless. Still no good.

My budget is $100. I need a video card that runs cool, at performs at least as well as the x1950 PRO. Quiet fan would be a plus, but isn't a major deal. I don't want to pay for a card that would be held back by my processor, an AMD 64 x2 6000+ @ 3Ghz.
If you can run a x1950PRO your PSU should be able to run basically any $100 you can find. I'd go with shubham above and get a 4850. It's the best bang for the buck at that price.

On a side note, some of those older x19xx cards suffer from 2 issues. 1) the memory goes bad and it arifacts alot. 2) the TIM on the cooler needs replaced. If you take the cooler off, clean off the old TIM with a bunch of Q-tips and alcohol, then reapply new paste, it will usually solve the overheating issue, if in fact the issue was overheating. What are your temps?
yeah, I have a 4670 and it works great, I am playing fallout on it right now with no problems on very high setting with just below high def res. but if you can get a a 4850 it would probably suit ya better.
If you can run a x1950PRO your PSU should be able to run basically any $100 you can find. I'd go with shubham above and get a 4850. It's the best bang for the buck at that price.

On a side note, some of those older x19xx cards suffer from 2 issues. 1) the memory goes bad and it arifacts alot. 2) the TIM on the cooler needs replaced. If you take the cooler off, clean off the old TIM with a bunch of Q-tips and alcohol, then reapply new paste, it will usually solve the overheating issue, if in fact the issue was overheating. What are your temps?

it was overheating, cleaning it without applying new paste only gave it a few more minutes of play in games. i've already ordered a 9800 gtx, $99 after rebate. decent card i hope? thanks.