Budget Gaming build Is this good? Does it Work? $550


Aug 14, 2014
My first build and im deciding on going with these parts the i3-4150 with a z97 mobo and a gtx750ti. I was also highly considering the fx6300 vishera on new egg for $120 with a m5a97 or 970 mobo.

Let me know if all these parts are compatibable and will their be any issues? Heat?
Is the Mobo compatibable with i3 and graphics card?

Is the H87mobo compatiable with a i3 Haswell and is it a good option as well?

Any options on what I should change? Im trying to stick to the $550 dollar budget with no peripheals or windows os.

CPU: Intel Core i3-4150 Haswell Dual-Core 3.5GHz ($129.99)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC Mate LGA 1150 Intel Z97 ($99.00)
Memory: Crucial 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 ($46.99)
PSU: CORSAIR CX series CX600 600W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Cert. ($65.00)
GPU: EVGA 02G-P4-3751-KR G-SYNC Support GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB 128-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 Video Card ($130.00)
HDD: Seagate Barracuda1TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive Bare Drive ($49.00)

Here's a better one.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($99.00 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($74.98 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Kingston HyperX Blu 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($74.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($55.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7750 2GB Video Card ($103.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($73.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $532.91
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-08-14 03:20 EDT-0400

I highly don't recommend a CX Series as it is a low quality PSU. But others by Corsair are good.
Hmm I'd stick with Intel for gaming, even though difference is nominal between the FX-6300 and the i3-4150 you could later drop a better CPU to get a nice boost in performance, whereas with AMD you're pretty much stucked (only options are FX-8xxx and FX-9xxx with more cores that won't help at all on games).

I'd consider to change the PSU to the one Joeteoh suggested and maybe RAM if budget allows it, not sure about changing the 750Ti for a HD 7750, I think the 750 Ti is more powerful but could be wrong on this so verify that first.

Yes, an H87 mobo will support any haswell CPU.

That's actually weaker in most ways. A better PSU, yes. But the HD 7750 is akin to a GTX 650, much weaker than the GTX 750 Ti. And the FX-6300 loses out to the i3-4150 in nearly every game.

The FX-6300 is going to be roughly as fast as an i3-4130 in some new games, and slower in older games/some new games. Also the FX-6300 would be much slower in all MMOs.

Life expectancy... Well, practically all CPUs are obsolete before they break. If you don't overclock, lifespan is not an issue. As for how long the CPUs will last before going out of date, should be roughly the same between the FX-6300 and i3-4130 or i3-4150, if Mantle or DX12 catches on fast. If Mantle or DX12 aren't stunning successes, the FX-6300 will be out of date quicker.

The GTX 750 Ti and i3-4150 are very cool-running parts. You'd practically have to try to make them overheat to have temperature issues. Any case should be fine.