My son and I will be building his first computer used mostly for gaming and some school work. Games would be Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch or similar although I’d like it to be able to run the majority of games as I’m sure he will get into others as he gets older (actually as long as it will last a 2-3 years we can build a new one or upgrade it)
Based on my research and targeting a $500ish budget (we have an unused copy of 8.1 that we will upgrade to 10 before the deadline) the link below is what I’ve come up with.
Can you all review and see if I’m making any mistakes or forgetting anything? I know the PSU is overkill but its priced the same currently as lower ones. If pricing changes I’ll end up with a Corsair or Thermaltake or similar.
I chose the mobo listed for three reasons it has a vga and dvi port (he has a cheap monitor), 4 ram slots and it can support more than one system fan.
Based on my research and targeting a $500ish budget (we have an unused copy of 8.1 that we will upgrade to 10 before the deadline) the link below is what I’ve come up with.
Can you all review and see if I’m making any mistakes or forgetting anything? I know the PSU is overkill but its priced the same currently as lower ones. If pricing changes I’ll end up with a Corsair or Thermaltake or similar.
I chose the mobo listed for three reasons it has a vga and dvi port (he has a cheap monitor), 4 ram slots and it can support more than one system fan.