Budget gaming build revolving around Intel i7-6700


Oct 30, 2017
Hey guys,

I have my hands on a brand new Intel i7 6700 and 32 GB of RAM, so my build would be revolving around the CPU mostly. This is the CPU and RAM that comes in HP Elitedesk 800 G2.


I would like to upgrade the motherboard since it's an HP stock motherboard at the moment.

I would also need to get a video card and perhaps an extra SSD.

I only plan on building the tower, I have everything else.

I prefer to buy on Amazon since I have Amazon Prime.

I've never tried overclocking, but I would be open to it.

I don't plan on using SLI.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything, bottom line is I would like to build something around a i7 6700 and 32 GB DDR4 RAM I have available to me. I would use this mainly as a video game rig and some music producing/graphic editing on the side.

What's your budget. The CPU bottlenecks at the GTX 1070 but the price of the GTX 1070 is higher than the 1080 right now so buy a 1080.

Sorry. The 1060 is fine too and better for the price. Congrats.

Your PC Partpicker is great and can handle any game.