Budget gaming gpu for under $150


The 960...
You have a fairly weak power supply. Avoid video cards with high power requirements.
I would suggest a 1050ti. It won't be UNDER $140, but it will be close,
This is the cheapest one I have seen:
It is 144. A knock on this one is that it is a single fan. This means it will have to spin that fan pretty fast (probably a little noisy).
The better two fan ones tend to run around 160 or so.
Like Volkgren pointed out, if you MUST stay under 140 then the rx 560 is probably the fastest and like with the 1050ti your PSU will be enough.

would you recommend a GTX 960 2gb i have heard some great things about them and there are a few good ones under the $140 mark?

The 960 remains a pretty good video card. It is more or less equal to a 1050ti except for the amount of ram.