Budget Gaming PC build


May 3, 2016
Hello, I'm planning on building a pc rig to upgrade my old one. I'm not going for the max, but this is what I got reading forum threads and comparing all the prices, specs etc.


Ryzen 5 2600
Radeon RX 580, 8GB
Corsair Vengeance LPX, 16GB DDR4
Seagate ST1000DM003 1TB Barracuda HDD
Cooler Master MWE 500
Gigabyte B450M DS3H
Corsair Carbide 200R

What do you guys think? First of all is it compatible? What should I change? In which area I could save more money, maybe more budget part with the same performance etc?


Single channel ram is going to hinder the CPUs performance. You got the speed right but thats only a single stick that will run in single channel you want dual channel.

The PSU is not good and not the place to skimp on quality.

There was no price for the PSU so i tried to stay close the the budget. SO if you budget it ~$40 for the PSU then this build would be a bit cheaper and has an SSD and dual channel ram along with a decent 550w PSU.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($164.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock - B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($84.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Gigabyte - UD PRO 256 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($42.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital - RE4 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($39.65 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX - Radeon RX 580 8 GB GTS XXX ED Video Card ($189.95 @ B&H)
Case: Corsair - 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($57.82 @ Walmart)
Power Supply: Corsair - CX (2017) 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($51.99 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: Asus - DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($19.39 @ OutletPC)
Total: $721.76
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-09 19:24 EST-0500

I'm thinking about 600-700 eur. Prices at my country are different so I don't really look at the sum here.

What about monitor 144hz 1080p.

It would be great to play all AAA games on High stable 60 fps if it's possible.

Oh, thanks for the advice. That was my next question about single and dual ram channels. I will consider that.

I see you added SSD, good, thanks.

May I know why did you change HDD? Why didn't you like Seagate?

Thanks for the PSU, was really not sure about that.

Aaaand you changed the gpu's MSI for XFX? Why is that so? Never heard of that.


In Lithuania the cheapest version of rx 580 is PoweColor.(should I go for it? It's like 15-20$ cheaper). Then it's MSI. The XFX is kind of rare here. There are only few places where they sell them, same price as MSI, maybe few bucks more.

Also why did you change motherboard? Because it's cheaper? Cause here in Lithuania the Gigabyte one is 66 euros, the ASRock about 78 euros.

Also I didn't find Corsair - CX (2017) 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply anywhere. Only Corsair ATX 2.4 CX550M 550W, I believe it's the same? But also it costs about 65 euros compared to that other which cost <40 euros. Should I consider anything else or should I go with that Corsair no matter the price?

About the GPU, PowerColor version is the cheapest, should I go for it?

The SSD. On my current setup I don't use SSD, only 1TB HDD. Yeah yeah, I know, slower loading speed in games and slower overall OS. But as I understand it doesn't affect game performance directly at all? Should I spend about 50 euros on the SSD if I don't really use it?

Yeah and I know I'm making a bargain about 15 euros on the gpu, 20 euros on the psu etc etc, but overall if I choose the other versions that I mentioned it could save me some money, considering the price is already high enough for me. So is it really worth the money, I mean the corsair psu, SSD, XFX gpu etc?

And btw thanks for taking your time and answering my questions, really appreciate it!
The CXm is the semi modular version and is a decent unit. Other brands too look for would be Seasonic and they EVGA(however some of EVGA's budget units are not good).

Powercolor is Ok, I have a Power color Red Devil RX580 in my other rig, but under full load the fans can get loud, but thats the only gripe I have about it. I chose the XFX in the build I posted because of what it costs here.

You are correct that a SSD won't affect gaming performance just load and boot times. They are nice to have but you can always add an SSD later if one doesn't fit the budget. Any reason why you couldn't get an SSD and just move the 1tb drive from the old system to the new one as storage?

Because I'm planning to sell my current pc and without any storage unit and OS, it would practically be impossible to sell.

Aaand a little bit more about graphic cards and cpu. I always used nvidia gpu's, first it was 550ti, now its 760. I always considered them much better than AMD. If I get a rx 580 now, it would be my first time with amd. Are there really any difference? Because I liked the nvidia's control panel, experience, driver updates etc, I'm familiar with it. Same with cpu, always used intel's cpus. Can you name any benefits and drawbacks on using amd's components?