Budget gaming pc


Nov 23, 2014
Hey guy's!

So, i'm on a budget and I would LOVE to have a good gaming pc. But again, budget. I've played around on pcpartpicker.com and I've come up with this. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/4mh4Jx However, it's still a little to expensive. Could someone please give me some advice on what to take away and/or change? I'm looking to spend around 500-600 dollars.

Its fine to be new thats what were here for. Pretty sure your friend meant a 280x normal 280s come at 2gb VRAM.

I just barely passed over the budget but it comes back down with rebates and such. (even if you dont plan on using rebates its like $20 past the budget doubt it'll be hard to raise it that much)

Heres the build link.


Pentium is a new refresh and a great budget CPU. And is a beastly overclocker.

Standard CPU cooler that everyone uses.

H97 mobo. Should handle a bit of Overclocking just not too much.

8gb 1600, RAM, Standard for gaming.

1TB Seagate Drive. Just about the most popular drive w/ good reputation

R9 280x. Wll basically max out any game ~30fps +, might struggle will brand new AAA...
In your build you have an APU that isnt needed since it cant do dual graphics with the GPU.

An extremely over kill MOBO.

And a very expensive case.

And you have no power supply.....

Will try making build for the budget will update when completed. Anything you absolutely want like the completely unnecessary case?
Also why do you have to get everything from amazon? Other seller like newegg may have it for cheaper.

As with what xTempered said. You can go with a $60 motherboard and it will be just fine. Personally i would go for the cheapest one if you are doing a budget build.
Thank you all for the help. I'm fairly new at building a PC (I currently have a Dell XPS...big mistake) so I don't really have any idea what i'm doing. It's been suggested to me by a few friends to go with a Radeon 280 3gb.
Its fine to be new thats what were here for. Pretty sure your friend meant a 280x normal 280s come at 2gb VRAM.

I just barely passed over the budget but it comes back down with rebates and such. (even if you dont plan on using rebates its like $20 past the budget doubt it'll be hard to raise it that much)

Heres the build link.


Pentium is a new refresh and a great budget CPU. And is a beastly overclocker.

Standard CPU cooler that everyone uses.

H97 mobo. Should handle a bit of Overclocking just not too much.

8gb 1600, RAM, Standard for gaming.

1TB Seagate Drive. Just about the most popular drive w/ good reputation

R9 280x. Wll basically max out any game ~30fps +, might struggle will brand new AAA games Maxed but will last years.

Standard case. ok airflow. No cable management but the 5.25in bays & HDD bays can hide excess wires.

One of the best PSU for the price. & from a very good company.

and the cheapest possible optical drive since you had one in your build im guessing you might need it.

EDIT: Oops just seen that it said $500-$600. Thought it said -$650. I can change the build if its a problem.


Well its not exactly that simple.

If comparing CPUs from the same manufacturer then it would be true but thats not the case here.

See the thing is. Intel makes the superior CPUs plain and simple. AMD even admitted to losing the CPU war.

Intels CPUs have less cores but each core is very fast.

AMD CPUs have more cores but every each core is relatively slow.

EDIT: Just seen that it said $500-$600. Thought it said -$650. Can edit build to be closer to max budget but will have to get a slightly slower graphics card.