Budget gaming PC


Jun 5, 2014
I know this question has been asked a thousand times but I cam never make sense of all of the different parts and what not
I am looking at building a gaming pc to expand my knowledge of computers and electronics but I only want to spend around $400-500 for the actual computer as I dont have a monitor or keyboard or mouse. The computer doesnt have to be massively powerful because I dont plan on playing games that require huge power, and I cant play online as my internet access is very limited
Hope you guys can help :)
I had to make a heap of adjustments because I live in Australia and didnt realise things would be so different. Im not 100% but the parts with prices are the ones available in aus right? Like I said I'm not fussed on playing games at high settings so the computer can be pretty basic, I can upgrade it later I still need to get os and a monitor and its already above what I planned to spend but that was without thinking about exchange rates so I'll have to bump it up a bit
Is there anywhere I'd be able to save some money with different parts?
Heres the build http://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/fJZTBP