[SOLVED] budget gaming setup !!

Sep 28, 2019

im planning to build a budget gaming setup for 720p/1080p ultra gaming 60fps +

PRO I5 9400f
Ram 8*2 DDR4 Ballistix CRUCIAL 3000
Case Cougar mx 350 mesh +500PSU

i want suggestion and if this build is okay and upgradable in the future
Biggest issue I see is the PSU. Generally when you buy a case that comes with a PSU you get a really lower end PSU. With no details about the PSU it's hard to say if that's worth buying.

I'm also a bit iffy on the SSD. 120GB is a bit small for OS and games. My first PC that had SSDs had a 120GB SSD for the OS only, and my games sat on another 250GB SSD. My current PC has a 1TB SSD. OS and games go on the same drive. 120GB drive will hold your OS, but OS and programs will take ~50-60GB total. That doesn't leave a lot of room for games which can take another 20-50GB depending on the game. You should look at getting an SSD that's a lot bigger.
Biggest issue I see is the PSU. Generally when you buy a case that comes with a PSU you get a really lower end PSU. With no details about the PSU it's hard to say if that's worth buying.

I'm also a bit iffy on the SSD. 120GB is a bit small for OS and games. My first PC that had SSDs had a 120GB SSD for the OS only, and my games sat on another 250GB SSD. My current PC has a 1TB SSD. OS and games go on the same drive. 120GB drive will hold your OS, but OS and programs will take ~50-60GB total. That doesn't leave a lot of room for games which can take another 20-50GB depending on the game. You should look at getting an SSD that's a lot bigger.
I once heard someone say the PSU in that case isnt terrible, but I don't know enough about it to say that it will work with an RX580.

Both the H and B series motherboards are 2666mhz limited. I wouldn't waste money on ram over 2666mhz.

120gb SSD is fine, but i'd suggest 240 or more.
There might not be much if any savings by going to 2666 vs 3000. I know when I built my system the 3200MHz ram was cheaper than 3000MHz. So I just bought that ram and decided I would run it as fast as I could. If I hit 3200MHz then great. If not, at least I had ram that would go as fast as I could.

I know 120GB is enough, but he's going to want more space. 512GB at least now if you want to put games on your SSD. Or it's own SSD. 120GB is simply too small for OS and games.
Sep 28, 2019
I think the psu come separately but I don't remember the brand

About ssd I wasn't planning to run the games on the ssd it's for the OS and software only but it's effect the game fps ?

I'm okay with 2666mhz ram since it won't effect the gaming smooth
The PSU brand is going to matter a lot. Not all "500W" PSUs are the same.

Any reason why you don't want games on the SSD? While the FPS will be the same, the SSD will load the game and levels MUCH faster than a HDD. I got my 1TB for ~$100. They aren't that expensive anymore.
Sep 28, 2019
The whole setup is for 650$ to be honest it's all the I have for now maybe in future i can buy a 1tb ssd and I have come from a potato PC so I'm now addicted to loading 😂

Psu the same brand as the case both for about 100usd
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I don't see any reviews on the "VTC 500W" unit. I found some places that sell the mesh350 with that PSU, but no reviews on the unit. I know it's not the PSU that Nighthawk listed above as no 500W PSU has 540W on the 12V rail. He might have listed the 600W? If he did and the 500W is a similar group regulated model as the 600W, it probably has around 456W on the 12V rail, or 38A. It could be a lot less though. And that doesn't say anything about the quality. If it has a 30C temp rating or bad caps it's a disaster waiting to happen.

I had to replace my entire setup due to natural disaster recently. I tried to keep the 580 in my budget but I ended up getting the 570. I wanted too many things in my new right like 8TB HDDs, 1TB SSD, freesync monitor, etc. Keeping the 120GB is a choice I understand as it's easy to add a larger SSD later for your steam folder. But I wouldn't skimp on the PSU no matter what. (I got a Core 550W FYI.) If need be I'd do the same thing I did and drop from the 580 to the 570 if it means you can get a quality PSU. Anytime you are looking at a 570, 580, 1060, or other expensive GPU you really should be getting a known 80+ gold unit. Unknown PSUs or 80+ bronze units should be in basic IGP or cheap GPU builds with the 750 or 1030.
Anytime you are looking at a 570, 580, 1060, or other expensive GPU you really should be getting a known 80+ gold unit.
I disagree. 80+ certification is not a measure of quality, only efficiency.

An 80+ bronze PSU like a Corsair CX550w would power any of those GPUs just fine.
In fact, my CX550m is powering an RX580 on the system im writing this on.

Am I saying the Cougar is good quality? I dont know and quite frankly I wouldn't risk it.
I'm aware it's not a measure of quality. But it can still be a guide. Lower end GPUs are fine to run with lower end PSUs. But when you start putting lots of money into the GPU, you need to steep up your PSU game as well.

CX550-m for $70

Same price you can get the TX-m

$10 more gets you the RM. Either would be better than the CX.

The CX isn't a horrible PSU. But when it's full price like that there are better ways to spend your money. And for me when you are spending $200+ on a GPU, why buy an 80+ bronze unit when you can get a better performing unit for either the same money or a bit more.
Sep 28, 2019
Or find a better model number? I've seen the VTE online.


This 500W has the same amount of 12V power as the VTC 600W, so we know the VTE is a much newer and better PSU. If it goes by a different name we might be able to find a review. But I wouldn't hook up a ~150-175W GPU to an unknown PSU. Just asking for trouble.

what about this
Gigabyte PB500 80+ Bronze Certified
Not many real reviews of that one either. Seems like your basic group regulated 500W PSU.

The problem is you're asking it to power ~300W+ and it has ~450W to do that. And all the parts in side of it aren't really up for that task. I did that before but I had a great 450W. Not a mediocre PSU. It might be better than the one that comes with the case. And it will probably last awhile. But I don't trust it very much.