Budget graphical card to play Gta v


Nov 15, 2016
I am looking to buy best budget graphical card under 200$ to play gta v on high setting.
Please recommend me best card for this category and also recommend me required PSU for this GPU. Also would I need special cooling system to cool down that card or I m good without it.Thanks

Note:[lesser the price is better]


I'm guessing you're talking about 1080p high settings?
Go for the GTX 1060 3gb.


Minimum PSU: 400W
1 single 6 pin power connector
No special cooling required.
This is a newer card. It'll be better in the long run. Good luck!

If 950 is for 190 then I'll say you have to go for it as you probably won't find anything better and If you have a decent processor, you should be able to play GTA V on med/high settings smoothly.
Ali tauseef, product are 50% more expensive here in pakistan because commission of retailers are also included. Is there any cheap amd equivalent that you would recommend?
Gforca GTX 1080 is available for 180$ should I go for it? Btw I never heard Gforca brand
I am using hp elitedesk 800 G1 TWR pc , it comes with i5 4590 processor and 350 watt PSU
If it's available for $180, it's not a GTX 1080. Even if it were, which it isn't at that price, you'd be well-advised to also purchase a new PSU, given that a 350W OEM PSU is rarely going to be anything you want to push past the lower power parts.
Thanks ali how much WATT do I need for it my hp elite desk came up with built in 340 watt PSU. I know its insufficient but changing PSU of HP assembled Pc is pain in the ass

Yes, but there's a risk. Your power supply is just a little over the requirement. You should not have much trouble but I'd recommend getting a better PSU as soon as possible.