Budget motherboard for i5 8400


Oct 23, 2017
Hi, I was wondering if this https://www.newegg.com/global/uk/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813144115. Is the cheapest motherboard for the i5 8400 and if it is a good motherboard?
Only Z370 chipset boards are available now and that MSI does look to be the cheapest. If you can wait, the yet-to-be-released B360 and H370 chipsets will be cheaper. These will likely be in the 1st quarter of 2018. For comparison sake, look at the differences between the prior generation (B250, H270 and Z270). The Z chipsets are more for unlocked K-series CPU's and other high option builds. The H and B series are more paired down and are probably a better fit for your locked CPU (i5-8400). A comparable build for prior generation would the i5-7400 paired with a B250 motherboard (or H270)...
Only Z370 chipset boards are available now and that MSI does look to be the cheapest. If you can wait, the yet-to-be-released B360 and H370 chipsets will be cheaper. These will likely be in the 1st quarter of 2018. For comparison sake, look at the differences between the prior generation (B250, H270 and Z270). The Z chipsets are more for unlocked K-series CPU's and other high option builds. The H and B series are more paired down and are probably a better fit for your locked CPU (i5-8400). A comparable build for prior generation would the i5-7400 paired with a B250 motherboard (or H270)...

Thank you for the all the help! I will just wait for a bit longer, its worth it.