Hi, I've put this together for you. It fits perfectly within your budget, and includes complete futureproofing, with an unlocked Skylake CPU allowing you to overclock if you so wished, 16gb of RAM, an SSD for your OS and a few games to make loading times extinct, and a GTX 1070. This build will be able to run any new games on high settings, at above 60fps for the next 3 years at LEAST.
Side note, some people turn their nose up when they see "SanDisk SSD". Can I just inform you that I have that exact SSD that I linked, and it has been much more reliable than my previous two: the Samsung 750evo and Samsung 850. I had both of those in previous PCs and they both failed, the 750 after around 3 months and the 850 straight away. SanDisk are...