Budget Split On A Video Editing PC


Oct 12, 2016
Hey Guys,
For my Video Editing PC should I go all in with my either my CPU, and get cheap out on the GPU, vice versa? Or should I kind of find a balance in between. There will be little to almost no gaming on the PC
Better to go for the stronger CPU to start as that is your foundation. You can always buy a stronger GPU later on and just slap it in with zero problems. Replacing the CPU with a better one is a much more involved process.
If you are just editing, or if you are editing and rendering, then get a better CPU than GPU, unless you plan on using GPU rendering on your video editing/compositing software.
If you're just editing, a PCI-e SSD would be more important for good scrubbing times with that fast transfer speed and low latency than a crazy fast GPU

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