Buffalo Ext Hard Drive not working with my new build


Apr 18, 2014
Hey guys, need some help here.

I just built a new system. MB is: Gigabyte GA-H170N-Wifi with six 3.1 USB ports. All the ports are working, as I have tested several USB items on them. (WD 3.0 external hard drive, mouse, keyboard, ect.)

My problem is this....

I have a Buffalo external hard drive that is usb 3.0 capable (Model: HD-LC3-0U3) 3TB. The hard drive does work, as it connects and loads on 2 other computers in our house. When I plug it into the new build, the computer does not detect it at all.

DISK MGMT: Ext HDD does not show

The hard drive is powered by an AC adapter, so it does not use power from the usb port.

I have called Buffalo and Gigabyte with no help to find a solution.

I am running Windows 10 Home N and I have tried updating and reinstalling the USB drivers and controllers. Still no luck.

Any help or instructions would be most appreciated. :)
Hi there avnerd,

Well, that is strange. You've done some extensive troubleshooting though. :)
Have you checked Device Manager? How is the drive recognized over there.

I assume you've updated the drivers from your MOBO's website right?

Have you done this anniversary update? Some users are facing issues with externals not being recognized after that. This update seems to fix that: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3193494

D_Know_WD :)


Apr 18, 2014

Hi D_Know_WD,

Thanks for the help. I went to the MS site and tried installing the update. My system prompted me that the update was already installed. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers several times and still no luck.

But I do have a question, maybe you can help... :)

My new build has the following driver: Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 Microsoft

One of my laptops has the driver (above) and an Enhanced Driver as well. Am I possibly missing an enhanced driver for my build? I have a different chipset of course.

The Buffalo ext drive does not show in DEV MGMT or DISK MGMT. I am still confused why this drive is giving me so much confusion. I plugged it in to two different machines and it worked just fine. Still formatted and blank.