Buffalo HD-PNTU3 1TB


Nov 26, 2015
My buffalo External hard drive 1TB once opened in a computer or laptop appears to have this text as hard drive name (Unknown USB Device Cofiguration Descriptor Required. i want to recover my files inside but it says the file have been corrupted and unreadable
Welcome, Nelson!

I'd recommend you to try connecting the external HDD to a different computer and see how it will get recognized there. Another thing you should try is uninstalling and reinstalling the drive as a device from Device Manager. ( https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc725782.aspx )
While at it, you should also try re-installing the USB hub controller drivers using your laptop manufacturer's website.
I'd also suggest you to go to Disk Management and see how the external HDD is listed there and go to the HDD manufacturer's website to find a diagnostic tool that will help you determine the health and SMART status. In case you cannot find such a utility, you should refer to this thread for some good third-party suggestions: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/282651-32-best-diagnostic-testing-utility

Keep me posted.
SuperSoph_WD :)


I tried to do what you suggested but it didn't solve the problem. However i read your suggestions/answers to other members who had experienced the same problem until i was able to have a positive result.

I downloaded the recuva software and after that i was able to recover partially some of my files i did it for 3 more times until i was able to recover most of the files that i want to recover (some of which are already decade old),i would like to thank you for your time and suggestion to members like me who doesn't know what to do at first. I have already asked for some IT guys prior to asking you and they told me that there is no way i can still recover my old files and that they can only help me to format my external drive so that i can be able to use it again.

The software did recovered my important files except for those damaged ones and it is very effective and easy to use. Thank you so much i am glad that i was able to ask you otherwise i could have lost my job files forever. More power to you guys and God Bless!

Hey there again, Nelson_8!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad I was able to help out even if it wasn't in this particular thread! :)
I'd recommend you to do regular backups in the future to prevent similar headaches! Data loss is definitely frustrating, trust me, we've all been there.
Having at least one copy of your most precious files stored on a different storage drive/device will most certainly give you some peace of mind.

Best of luck with everything! :) God bless you too!