Buffalo Intros AC1900 Gigabit Dual Band Router

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I wish they finslly made WI-FI something that dosent stop transmiting randomly just becouse there is a thin wall between my PC and router.
Who cares about a Buffalo router when your provider uses some crap from china that sucks anyway.
All I can say is... hallelujah !!! DelightfulDucklings is a messianic figure. When did common sense come back into fashion ? Did I miss the announcement ?He is right on with his comment. My average download speed from most sites is around 1 MB/s on a good day...even though my measured Broadband speed (checked regularly) is around 50 Mb/s..whats the point ?
My average download speed from most sites is around 1 MB/s on a good day...even though my measured Broadband speed (checked regularly) is around 50 Mb/s..whats the point ?
All of my media is stored on my NAS device and my personal computer is attached to my network wirelessly. Every time I want to pull a movie from there to a USB drive or upload from USB to the NAS it would be nice to het more than 9MB/sec. The NAS sis rated at about 100mb/ sec and my USB 3.0 drive is close to that as well, my wireless n network is clearly the bottleneck. I would love to be able to get 30 MB/s in those situations.Point is that moving data from the internet to your computer is not the only task a router could be asked to do.
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