Jul 23, 2023
I am in need of some tech help. I cant go to Microsoft due to their customer support who doesn't what they're doing. They go through protocol, basically reading from notes which the guy literately said they do. Well i am confused in what these errors and warnings are and how to get them fixed.

I get a crap ton of LSA (LsaSrv) warnings, i have a Source - BugCheck, Error 1001, a Wininit warning event ID 15,
and also while i was away the screen saver mystify was swirling around but then when i got back and turn on my screens, i have 3, the mystify swirls froze and my screen couldnt recognize the connection. I saw the A0 on the motherboard so its working but then it went to 64 after i turned off and on the screen and it did something.

This has happened many times when i have screen saver running and it shouldnt be doing this. I already sent the 4070 TUF out to ASUS for them to look at it. They sent me a fresh new one and the card works fine but now its still doing it and when i went to Microsoft about it they cant figure it out. India has no idea what its doing, and kept blaming the graphics card is the problem but the GPU is fine. It did the same thing with my 3060. I have uninstalled nvidia using the DDU at least 10 times at different times. So when everything froze, the PC rebooted.

I have a 65" LG QNED 85 screen that has monitor tech in it and used as a tv, i have an hdmi connected to the Sceptre 200hz wide screen and a wacom cintiq 22HD. When it froze i turned on the 65" and then the Sceptre. Thats when i noticed it not moving. The big screen was on standby and the sceptre was showing the frozen.

I have uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them a ton and it didnt fix the problem. Nvidia was also from another country, and blamed the DDR4 RAM, and also blamed the GPU and told me to send it to ASUS. I did send the GPU out and they gave me a new one.

Then Nvidia tried saying its the motherboard, and it was like they were just speculating the problem and i cant be just buying motherboards and GPUs and other parts that i have done before and cost me $2000 in just replacing parts when these morons are just guessing. So i aint gonna replace a damn thing no more, its expensive and the hardware is running just fine. I never had the problem till nvidia started rolling out updates.

Now for the windows errors, this also could be a Windows 11 thing but i am not too sure. I get an error volmgr event id 162, error source Eventlog, event id 6008, and critical error with a (X) source Kernal-Power event id 41. Now reading that articles said it could be the PSU but this PSU is brand new. Its only been a year and its a Corsair 1200i. I am not sure where to look or where to start and i dont want to send my pc out to geek squad and waste $300 and they might not even find a solution. Their solution would be format just like Microsoft but i have already done that. Microsoft last time i spoken to them did a reset. That didnt remedy any of the LSA warnings and errors. I also get a lot of DistributedCOM event id 10016.

I could use some help, i am savvy enough but i would need steps and stuff. I never have gone deep into this kind of stuff when it comes to like windows registry fixes (not the scans that corrupts windows files), but i mean really technical steps but if i had instructions on how to fix these warnings and errors, and the freezing, i can follow them and try to get some of these resolved. My main issue is the freezing during screen saver after sitting for like an hour or so. Microsoft wanted me to replicate the issue and i was like, i cant....as i told the person again, it has to be idling for like an hour or more for it to freeze. I left with my dad to home depot at 7am ish, we got back around 8:30 am ish and thats when i got to my computer and tried to wake it up and saw the freeze.

Oh and i also get a Error Service Control Manager event id 7034.

Any one who has a solution, ill gladly accept and thanks for anyone helping. I did what i thought i could to troubleshoot it myself, this is something i havent experienced yet. I have been poking at windows troubleshooting problems since windows 98.


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage. (Noted "new" but even new products can have problems).

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

= = = =


"This has happened many times when i have screen saver running".

Start by disabling the screen saver.

Manually download all drivers directly via the applicable manufacturer's website. Install and reconfigure as required. No third party tools or installers.

Look in Reliability History/Monitor. Much more user friendly than Event Viewer and the timeline format may reveal some pattern.

Try running the built in Windows Troubleshooters. The troubleshooters may find and fix something.

Also try "sfc /scannow" and "dism". References:


Jul 23, 2023
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage. (Noted "new" but even new products can have problems).

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

= = = =


"This has happened many times when i have screen saver running".

Start by disabling the screen saver.

Manually download all drivers directly via the applicable manufacturer's website. Install and reconfigure as required. No third party tools or installers.

Look in Reliability History/Monitor. Much more user friendly than Event Viewer and the timeline format may reveal some pattern.

Try running the built in Windows Troubleshooters. The troubleshooters may find and fix something.

Also try "sfc /scannow" and "dism". References:


I have disabled the screen saver, while the pc was idle when i left to shower, i had the screens off. I came back and the desktop froze. It woke up when i turned on the LG 65" QNED 85 class i use as a monitor, it worked after i turned it back off and back on and then it woke it up. There is no suspend mode, and no hibernate, and the screen saver is off. Nvidia thought i was the GPU, that was already sent and returned. I checked the reliable monitor and it shows 2 errors and 3 errors previous.
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 117

Then this that said it stopped working -
Faulting Application Path: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: svchost.exe_StiSvc
Application Version: 10.0.22621.1
Application Timestamp: 6dc5c2a5
Fault Module Name: StackHash_ac46
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: PCH_E1_FROM_ntdll+0x000000000009F8A4
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 0000000000000008
OS Version: 10.0.22621.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: ac46
Additional Information 2: ac462b2fd07cc853b652b5104a1cf381
Additional Information 3: 3fb9
Additional Information 4: 3fb9c31cadaf9f065f78640b657fd1a7

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 272612c699679f591ab8e0b55bb4774b (1925535910233143115)

Then it said windows stopped working, and then windows was not properly shut down (it forced restart itself at that time), that would be -
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000116 (0xffffc78520ae6010, 0xfffff802320bfe60, 0xffffffffc000009a, 0x0000000000000004). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\072323-28046-01.dmp. Report Id: 195fac60-68d5-4192-a76f-e4f2ad8cc2e7.

Then next was a hardware error -
A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 117
Parameter 1: ffffc78520ae6010
Parameter 2: fffff802320bfad0
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 870
OS version: 10_0_22621
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.22621.
Locale ID: 1033

and also -
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
Code: 116
Parameter 1: ffffc78520ae6010
Parameter 2: fffff802320bfe60
Parameter 3: ffffffffc000009a
Parameter 4: 4
OS version: 10_0_22621
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.22621.
Locale ID: 1033

I run a custom built pc,

Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM DDR4 3600 T-Force 64.0 GB (63.8 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch Pen support (the Wacom Cintiq 22HD)

Corsair HX1200 PSU

I use 12 hard drives. Nove of them are full. the lowest i have is my C drive 160GB free of 462 which is an M.2 nvme WD
Jul 23, 2023
Troubleshoot in Settings doesnt have anything that involves graphics, everything there is fine.
Screen saver is disabled but still freezes but it does fix itself when i turn off and on the screens but sometimes it doesnt. I downloaded all my drivers and installed them.

sfc /scannow didnt find any integrity violations. Dism said no component store corruption detected.


12 HDD's

How are they all configured and powered - just the host PC? Or are some of them external with their own independent power supply?

How old is that 1200 Watt PSU? History of heavy gaming use, video editing, or even bit mining?

= = = =

Any LsaSvr related error codes?

Is there a program Lsasrv.exe running on the PC?

Use Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to take a closer look at what all is running on the PC.

Jul 23, 2023
12 HDD's

How are they all configured and powered - just the host PC? Or are some of them external with their own independent power supply?

How old is that 1200 Watt PSU? History of heavy gaming use, video editing, or even bit mining?

= = = =

Any LsaSvr related error codes?

Is there a program Lsasrv.exe running on the PC?

Use Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to take a closer look at what all is running on the PC.

6 external drives, 6 internal. So far im seeing in Process Explorer, System Idle Process @ CPU 99.8 -99%.
I checked my HDMI fiber optic cable and it had a kink i didnt see. I straightened it out just in case if this was causing any issues. The 1200w PSU was only a year and a half vs my other one that was also a 1200 and had that one since 2006 and it still works! That one is on my other PC. This one is brand new ish.

Heavy gaming when i stream, video editing when i edit them, no bit mining.

Ive been getting this -
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user GalaxyCatTV\GalaxyCat SID (S-1-5-21-200232762-4291828555-2144989895-1001) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

& - Event ID 263, Win32k warning
and 2 more DistributedCOM warnings.

I would go to microsoft but they dont know what to do and dont know what they are doing. They read notes and have no experience. One of the customer support guys said thats what they do. They dont have experience, they read notes and if the notes doesnt have anything that relates to the problem, they send you to Level 2. It got so bad that they said they have to send me to Level 3 and have them call me, they never called.
No one from customer service is from the US. Mainly India, Philippines, and Nigeria. Sometimes they are rude because of the problem. This place is my last hope.


Scale back as much as possible by reducing the number of drives and other components.

Simply a bare bones configuration as a baseline for further testing.

Hopefully the bare bones baseline will not produce the errors that are occurring.

Then start adding back components one at a time allowing time and at least one restart between component additions.

Continue that process until all components are back "in place" without errors or the errors begin again.

My overall thought being that the build has reached some threshold level where, for whatever reasons, things are going astray. 1200 Watts for example may appear to be enough but some sudden spike in power demand causes the problem(s).

Most likely you will need to work through the troubleshooting process more than once - likely there will be a learnng curve involved. Do over's for certain.....

Keep notes, be methodical, and observe as many quantifiable parametes as you can during the testing process.

Resource usage, both actual and % values. Watch for what uses any given resource.

All may be well up to and including component configuration X. Then at X+1 all goes astray again.

Find X and X+1.
Jul 23, 2023

I appreciate the help but all of this didnt remedy my problem. But i did find a solution but i ran into a Command Prompt issue. The link above is exactly what im looking for but when i typed SetACL.exe -on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{CLSID GOES HERE}" -ot reg -actn ace - ace "n:Administrator;p;full"
i got a failed with: The system cannot find the file specified. SetACL error message: The call to GetNameSecurityInfo () failed. Operating system error message: The system cannot find the file specified. Trying to allow permissions for the CLSID. Doing it in CMD prompt.
Jul 23, 2023
Nevermind! It worked! Now im doing the steps. This be the only solution ever to be written and microsoft couldnt do this. They went and reset my windows 11 and failed to fix it. I did these steps and fixed the DistributionCOM.