Bug Spray on Motherboard


Mar 3, 2016
Hi, I have a problems that I don,t know how to solve so I need an expertful advices please. I have an older computer with a e8400 processor on ans XFX Nvidia motherboard and 9800 GTX graphics video card processor. Anyhows the CPU was starting to run more heatedly than normal, and I read that thermal pastes can dry up and need replaced every so often so I think to myself thats probably the problem and I,ll just put new pastes on it and see if it helps.

SO long stories maked shorter, I readed on websites where they tests different pastes and found out peanut butter works as good as those little expensive syringes of pastes. So I figure since I have some peter pan in the cabinet already, put that on instead of buying some expensive pastes. Not being stupid I used the creamy kind since the crunchy peanuts would probably not let the cooler sit on the processor right. All is well for weeks or so and tempertures are looking goodly like they used to when it was new but it now has funny smell coming from out of case so I open the side up and now i have roaches inside my computer around the cpu cooler area and dead in the bottom of the case. plus some living ones still.

Now I need to know if it safe or nots to killing the roaches with bug spray or will it hurt the computer. I have cans of Raid, will that work even though I just have one hard drive? Do I need to change the settings in BIOS if I spray it with Raid or can it be okay to spray the roaches while in AHCI modes? Please helps before the roaches damage something thanks!

^ This. Ah yes I knew I had some appropriate spray...

Hello and thank you for replying but I do not understand why I needing to wait a month to get rid of roaches. I'm fearing they might be shorting out the motherboard or clog the heat fins. I'd like to be get ridding of them sooner because I am thinking waiting until a month would make it worse.

^ This. Ah yes I knew I had some appropriate spray...

Peanut Butter? Really?

Remove that and place a large piece of swiss cheese between the processor and the CPU cooler, leaving lots of the cheese hang out of the sides. This will attract mice, which will hopefully chase the roaches away.

If you are being serious, NO, don't spray bug spray on the motherboard. It will leave a residue that will cause problems down the road.

Thanking you very much. This should be best answer, not moderator calling a troll. Problem from residue from bug spray is all I wanted to know. Again thank you for answering.

How to extract roaches from the PC (or other locations)

1 Desk lamp
1 Pie pan
baby oil or similar

Put the PC on the ground
Fill the pan 1/2way with water
Add a little bit of baby oil
Put it next to the PC
Turn the lamp on, aimed at the pan
Go to sleep
Wait until morning
Extract corpses
Repeat if necessary

Thanking you too very much! I will try this tonight. Sombodey on other forums said put boric acid powders in bottom of case of computer like you do in garage and basement. But I was afraid of boric acid causing rusting or other corrosion problems much like how answered about bug spray residues.

They also say to not to use vacuum hose to suck them out of case because of static electricities might do damage to circuits.

USAFRet means retired honorably from United States Air Force? If so, then I humbly thank you for your service.
When I clean out my computers, I use a small Shop Vac to blow air INTO the case. Only some of the Shop Vacs have this feature where you can either suck air into the hose or blow it out. You just have to make sure the Shop Vac (including the hose) is completely dried out from the last time it was used to pick up water or you will end up spraying a small mist of moisture into the computer. (I did that once, everything was powered off so no damage done). I just made sure the computer was completely dry by pointing a fan at it with the case open for a few hours.

Another thing to consider if blowing air into the case is to do it in the garage or out doors, I had a ton of dust, cat hair, etc. blowing all over the room the first time.

Great idea too. I can take it outdoors to blow it out. I have new Ridgid shop vac that also converts into corded leaf blower. Should get into far recesses better than can air with straw. Maybe use that for trying to get behind motherboard. Or maybe just disassemble whole pc and blow out case to make sure nothing stuck in between parts. I know all about cat hair, have 11 housecats and one pit bull dog. Pit bull "mother hens" the cats even gets between them if they try fight each other and breaks it up. Learned hard way with cats to buy computer cases with buttons on front, not on top!

Get some Combat roach baits. Roaches eat it, but it takes some time for it to kill them, well after they've joined their siblings, nieces, etc. back in the walls. The other roaches eat the carcass, so it kills them too. Unless you have adjoining neighbors, this method may actually get rid of most if not all of your roaches.
If your cats go outside, put them outside for a day, and use Raid fumigating foggers. These are not the aerosols, but the little canisters that drop into 1/2" of water in a cup. They send up a smoke that gets EVERYWHERE. Open any cupboards, and plan on a lot of dishwashing later. This will kill stuff you didn't even know you had. These two methods, used together, work quite well (assuming no attached neighbors, from whom your infestation will return).

Yup. If you live in an apartment complex or duplex, and have roaches, you are screwed. You will have them no matter what you do.
You fog, it chases them next door. They fog, it chases them back.

Nuke the site from orbit. That may or may not get rid of them.
I don't care how polite the OP is, read the first post again....smart enough to replace thermal paste, uses peanut butter. Asks if AHCI is fine or if the BIOS need to be in.....RAID mode..... to spray the computer with........Raid. Not being stupid he used creamy peanut butter at least. Peanut butter that's still working just fine as a TIM weeks after application. :sarcastic: Not only a troll but a particularly bad one.
Not trolling, being humorous (and obviously failing at it), admittedly I should have just asked question bluntly and directly. The question about the bug spray being safe for use or not due to bugs was legitimate. The lead up to it with peanut butter and then Raid / AHCI stuff was joking about how bugs might have ended up inside case. There is difference between humor (admittedly bad.. don't quit my day job, etc) and trolling. I won't apologize for joking, even if I was bad at it. Trolling is trying to deliberately offend / upset others. Trying to make people laugh or roll eyes is not.
That's a blurry line and you would be surprised how many out and out trolls we get. But see, that was all you had to say. Nothing wrong with a bit of humor. 😉


Thanks for telling me about the foggers, have look into those too. Single family house surrounded by woods in rural Florida, have to deal with every kind of creepy crawly getting inside through the cracks. Just as bad is the pharaoh ants, centipedes, and scorpions getting inside and hiding behind stuff and in stuff. If the foggers you mention get them too, that should be a huge bonus. Cats are indoors only, would have to make arrangements to keep them elsewhere for a day or two, but should be worth it.

I fully understand what you mean and I should have taken that into consideration before posting anything and left the attempted at humor for later instead of trying to start out with it. I should have realize the shoddy presentation I made was open for misinterpretation and that not everyones brains are wired like mine (I've got plenty of short circuits in mine).
I live one state north of you and was born in Florida so I have spent quite a bit of time there and you aren't kidding about the bugs. If you aren't scared of handling chemicals you can still order professional strength pesticides or buy them at farm supply stores. Just wear gloves and don't breathe the spray. I've found this stuff to work as well as the old school Dursban and diazinon they don't sell anymore for outside use. It lasts a long time as you don't use much per application and the residuals last months.



Thanks for linking that! I'll definitely look more into this product.

One state north of me? What a small world, I love Idaho! 😀

Definitely no fear of repeated unprotected exposures to various hazardous chemicals. That's why I'm such the charming genius I am now. :pt1cable: