Hi I represent a filmmaking firm in Lagos, Nigeria
I need help to build a workstation for my studio, in order to meet up with video production demands and deadines. We run majorly on Adobe AfterEffects, PreimerePro, Encore, Cinema4D and Autodesk Maya software
If you have any proven hardware configuration that helps or you know of any online firm that builds PCs, your advice is most welcome
The major feature required of this Computer is the FASTER RENDER TIME it offers(should be able to render 60 to 90 Minutes 1080p projects within an hour)
Please treat this post as that of a newbie, I really do not understand much technical terms for system builds.
Thank you in Advance
I need help to build a workstation for my studio, in order to meet up with video production demands and deadines. We run majorly on Adobe AfterEffects, PreimerePro, Encore, Cinema4D and Autodesk Maya software
If you have any proven hardware configuration that helps or you know of any online firm that builds PCs, your advice is most welcome
The major feature required of this Computer is the FASTER RENDER TIME it offers(should be able to render 60 to 90 Minutes 1080p projects within an hour)
Please treat this post as that of a newbie, I really do not understand much technical terms for system builds.
Thank you in Advance