Build for gaming pc +/- 600 euros


Jun 14, 2015
I want to build a gaming pc but I dont really know which parts to use. So I thought maybe someone else can help me out.

Approximate Purchase Date: September 2015
Budget Range: about 600 euros, it doesnt really matter if it's a bit more than 600 but it should be no more than 650 euros.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, watching movies, surfing the internet, school.
Are you buying a monitor: yes but I already know which one.
Do you need to buy OS: no
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: don't really know but I prefer a Dutch website.
Location: The Netherlands.
Parts Preferences: I would like an intel i5 CPU.
Overclocking: no
SLI or Crossfire: no
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Additional Comments: It would be cool if there could be green led's in the case, but it's not necessary. Also it can make some noise but not too much, like I should not be hearing my computer instead of my games while I have my headset on.
Why Are You Upgrading: My laptop is 4 years old now and is starting to get a little bit slow. I'm also planning to play heavier games like gta V, the Witcher 3, elder scrolls online and stuff like that.

Yeah that's fine.
There is no dutch amazon btw, only a German one 😛
well that makes it easier
for a CPU :
if you want a better cooler, look at the coolermaster hyper 212

motherboard :

8GB is fine for now in most situations, pick a colour you like and if you get two sticks install them in the grey slots not the black ones.

just trying to find a GPU that is going to run the games you want well that isnt going to take up all the budget, do you need a case?
going to say change the CPU to, not a massive performance hit but gives you a little extra room for the rest, as right now I can't get a GPU and a PSU in budget that I can say will work, PSU is something you don't cheap out on as it will break the whole PC if you do.

Is the intel CPU too expensive? Because maybe I can get an AMD CPU if that doesnt make that much of a difference in performance, or an i3 if you think that will be good enough.

I do need a case.

If I would buy all the components you have provided for me yet it would be 320 euros total, that means there is still 300 euros left. Is that really not enough?

Anyways thanks a lot 😛
that gives me a bit more room to find you parts :) and I have a 8350 which is identical to the 8320E but it has a higher stock clock speed, but the 8320 will perform fine in most games, bare in mind though you aren't going to get ultra graphics out of this system :) as for the case, if you want to look for a mid ATX case you like the look of, and link it on here I can help you with that, just with the variety of styles available I don't like telling people to buy a particular case without them looking first :)

and this PSU should do you fine :

I wasn't expecting to play at ultra settings with this budget but hoped I could play at normal settings

For the case this is kind of what i was thinking about:

Dont really know if theyre all good but maybe you can decide for me which is best.

they are all fine, the only think I will say is that the board I have linked you to does not have a USB 3 header on it, (the blue port on the front of the case) so you can't use that fully, if you would like I can find another one with this feature, all it means is faster transfer rates on files.

and you will be fine on normal to high graphics.

Well if it's not too expensive it might be handy in my opinion.

Which SSD (250gb) would you recommend?
Or do you think I wont be needing SSD becuase it is quite expensive compared to a normal hard drive.
And I also need an optical drive for the games, which one should i get?

optical drives are all the same really, find one that has good reviews, and buy which ever takes your fancy really, I personally have a bluray writer as I needed a blu ray player and the drive was cheaper than a full player at the time, SSD's are great for boot speeds and game loading, but they are more of an "I want it" than something you need, the one I am looking at is the crucial M500 or the BX100, the M500 is a little faster and more reliable but the BX100 is cheaper but either are fine, my friend as used the BC100 for a while now and hasn't had any issues.

and a USB 3 motherboard :

and to top of the case, I would suggest replacing the fans that come with the case to something that performs well, I love corsairs range, and they come in green LED's

If i would replace the fans would it make a big difference in performances? And is it hard to replace the Fans?

So I added everything together and now have this list:

Do I need to change anything or do you think this is the way to go?
All together this would cost me 645 so the price is still fine.
If this would be it, I would like to thank you a lot for your help!
the main point of good fans are the parts in your case run cooler, so they can last longer, but they are as simple as screwing 4 screws in to add them in to the case, although you will need a fan splitter as you only have one place to plug the fans in, and you might want to add a hard drive in later, as 240gb isn't going to last long when you install games on it, or swap out the SSD and upgrade to one later, for the same price you can get a hard drive 8 times the size

Well in that case, where can I get a fan splitter? ;p
And I'm quite sure 240gb will do fine as I dont play a lot of games. I'm also kind of a person that wants stuff which is definitely not necessary but just cool to have, so I think ill just go for the SSD.

Haha yeah thats true.
Well I think my build is done then.
Thanks for all the help!

Well i've searched for serveral benchmarks and most of the times the AMD FX8320 is better than the one you suggested.
Are you sure the one you suggest is better?
And can I also you the case that I chose earlier in this thread?

look at my sig & you can see I own both a 8320 & a 6300 so yes mate Im absolutely sure its a better choice for you if it allows a better motherboard & a better gpu.

the 8320e which you listed is downclocked, with amd chips raw clock speeds makes the most difference - at stock speeds the 6300 will perform far better in gaming - the 2 cores make no difference at all.
With any fx chip you want an aftermarket cooler - its a given fact.
That matx board is sata 2,it will diminish ssd performance by 10-15% & the fact is I wouldn't run an 8 core chip on it anyway-youll be stuck with stock speeds.
with a 6300,the ud3p board & the aidos cooler you will hit 4ghz+ with a couple of bios setting changes & it will then completely blitz the 8320e performance wise.

likewise the 750ti,it was never that good a card as people made it out to be ,its certainly very very weak by todays standards,you want a minimum 270x,preferably a 280/280x or gtx 960 which I suggested.

The kendomen case (if available to you) comes with 5 prefitted fans & a fan controller ,you will have to worry about temps.

the xfx psu I cant argue with,thats a good choice no doubt at all.

Allright, I must admit you sound very convincing.
I guess I'll go with your build then 😛
I don't really get the part about the case and the fans to be honest (especially the temps part)
Could you maybe be a little more clear in that for me.
Thanks a lot!
I know you've stated youre not interested in overclocking but the fact is the amd fx chips are unlocked - which means a performance boost is virtually free (at the expense of an aftermarket cooler for 20 euro which you will want anyway as the supplied amd cooler is incredibly noisy)

The 2 matx boards - the asus m5a78 & gigabyte 78lmt are old old board designs - they were around before the fx vishera ( pile driver chips) came out - bios updates allowed compatibility but essentially they were never designed for these chips & will not pull the best performance from them,they have sata 2 ports which while fine for traditional hard drives degrade ssd performance ( the ssd drive is faster than the sata 2 ports max transfer rate)
The 970a-ud3p is quite simply one of the best amd boards currently available hands down - for 20 euro or so more than those old 78 boards it would be foolish to not opt for it,you would be doing yourself a dis-service imo.

regarding cases,there are green led cases about that would do the job if its an absolute necessity.
All those you listed have poor airflow & poor cooling options though
You want a 120mm front intake fan & a 120mm rear exhaiust fan absolute minimum in any semi-decent gaming machine.

if you must go green then this is probably your best option as it has decent prefitted cooling,is well made & a decent price