build for gaming/youtube


Mar 16, 2014
hi guys. i have purchased
cooler master hyper 212 evo
seagat barracuda
g.skill ripjaws 2x4 1600mhz
my questions:
good mobo for gaming/video editing (asus.msi gigabyte)?
i want sli my gpus(400w) in future. is corsair cx600 enough?
and i read some revievs that some mobos have issue with win8 and 8.1.
thx for answers
well your cpu and mobo and memory will draw around 168w max load stock 760 draw 340w in sli this is 508 watts and that psu is supposed to push 552 on 12v rail even if it was a reliable corsair series i would say go for a 750w. this is not including overclocking and the aftermarket 760's. and if you can afford after market 760's then go with those be cause a 760 is a 670 with a performance boost. but you should really get the biggest single card you can like a 780
well your cpu and mobo and memory will draw around 168w max load stock 760 draw 340w in sli this is 508 watts and that psu is supposed to push 552 on 12v rail even if it was a reliable corsair series i would say go for a 750w. this is not including overclocking and the aftermarket 760's. and if you can afford after market 760's then go with those be cause a 760 is a 670 with a performance boost. but you should really get the biggest single card you can like a 780
the cx series is known to be faulty i would highly advise against it. either go with seasonic/xfx/or corsair axi tx or hx. you should never skimp on the power supply because if it goes out it can take the rest of the components with it especially if you want to over clock.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($129.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: XFX 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($94.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $224.98
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-03-16 08:01 EDT-0400)

this would be good and even then if you want to do any heavy overclocking you will want to get a better board
i found corsair hx650 (80+ gold) for 99$.
also found msi z87 g45 asus z87a and plus gigabyte ud4h(160$) . i havenot info about asrock but from image it looks like cheaper quality
yes the g45 is better but in the lower price range the killer is a good board, what 760s do you plan on getting because depending on what model they are that psu is not enough i would go to at least 750. 850 if you can find one for a similar price as a 750
maximum consumption for the 2 asus is 420w+ the rest of your system 168w= 588
maximum consumption for the 2 msi is 420w as well so 588w
the 750w i linked it produces 744w on 12v rail will be good for you the 650w is to small as a hx 650w psu is rated for 624 this is to close to thresh hold and may fail