Build me a 4k next gen gaming pc

Krishnan Iyyer32

Feb 23, 2015
I am looking to buy a 4k gaming rig capable of running all next gen games smoothly.In other words,it should outrun all next gen games very smoothly on 4k resolution.
1.Build me a rig that is well configured and excellently silent and cool.
2.Do not add keyboards and mouse.But I want a blu ray player in it and a networking card.
3.I have not decided the budget.Well now I have $2,000 but I expect it to be much more than that because of know.
Thanks and I want this rig to be excellent.
Also I need advice on which model of motherboards to include z97 or x88..
If you want to plan for future games while no one can knows about, then it's impossible to guess, your best option is to wait for the new GPUs if you want them to run "smoothly" and the build will probably come closer to $3,000-4,000 or more, depending on your definition of smooth.
If you want to plan for future games while no one can knows about, then it's impossible to guess, your best option is to wait for the new GPUs if you want them to run "smoothly" and the build will probably come closer to $3,000-4,000 or more, depending on your definition of smooth.

I have no clue, since I don't look into that at all. But this is the kind of build you are looking at if you are planning for more than 3 GPUs for almost guarantee 4k gaming for all games and possibly future games at a smooth level as in 60+ fps in most games. That's just shows about the price range, you will need the new GPUs but will be more money if you add more GPUs obviously, they could be out in a few weeks or months.

If you are sticking with 2 GPUs, this will do for just gaming and a bit of work kind stuff. Again, it won't be those GPUs, only showing the price range or close to it.

Also, this is assuming you won't need a monitor, if you do, obviously it will cost more.

I'm not sure if you prefer Nvidia or AMD, but AMD's 390x should be out first before the new Nvidia GPUs, the latest date or month should be around June I think? But they said it's pretty soon, at least that's what I heard. I think with just 2 of the new GPUs, you should be able to game at the level that you desire, since I'm gaming at 4k ultra with only 1/4 GPU at the moment and gain 60+ fps in some games and of course not all. I don't see why new GPUs would get worse than what they have now. So I would start with 2 GPUs like that second build if you don't want to spend too much money, get the 850w PSU if you want more power to OC.