Yeah that was my original plan as well, but I'd rather 30% additional performance over an SSD personally, I can bare to wait another 30 seconds to boot. 😉
Also spend another $5 and get the EVGA SC, EVGA have fantastic customer service and their cards are great.
My 1070 build. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Ok, chugalug has gave you one option with i5+GTX 1080+HDD. They are good for now since i5 can still hold against current game with several tweak to optimized the game (such as turning down resolution scale in BF1).
My option was using i7+GTX 1070+SSD. The gpu is weaker, but you will be freed of cpu upgrade until the end of this build life. You do not have to tweak around to optimized any game that demanded up to 8 thread cpu (BF1 demand 6 thread, Mafia 3 and watchdogs 2 also demand more than 4 thread, just look around for games that were titled i5 killer).
For me SSD is a must have. SSD will save a lot of your life time used to wait in loading. I think our life is much more precious than anything. This SSD is just average SSD as the budget not allowed me to get you the best SSD which is Samsung 960 pro (or even evo series). But this average SSD is already 3x (or more) faster than any HDD. The 960 pro is 3x faster than average SSD, but the price just too much.
The psu will be able to support any single gpu you can throw in. When you feel GTX 1070 has no longer enough for you, then you can replace it with any gpu in the future without having psu and cpu as your limit. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Yeah that was my original plan as well, but I'd rather 30% additional performance over an SSD personally, I can bare to wait another 30 seconds to boot. 😉
Also spend another $5 and get the EVGA SC, EVGA have fantastic customer service and their cards are great.
My 1070 build. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant