Building A Gaming PC | 650$


Jul 19, 2015
Hi there, I am looking for advice on my gaming pc. I was previously looking at pre-builts' but soon realized that it was either not enough wattage or just too expensive for what the parts are worth. My budget is 700$. I have a monitor and am getting a keyboard and mouse since they do not have it on this website. The games I am looking to play are like; DayZ Standalone, Arma 3, ARK: Survival Evolved, Grand Theft Auto 5, Fallout 4 which I know the specification requirements have not yet been released for Fallout.

The Build I Have Made (Virtually):
No, no , no. Your total there after MIRs is only about $550, which leaves you $150 more for better parts, of which I'd start with a better CPU. You DID after all say the budget was $700. FM is a very old platform.

Step up to 1150 and drop in a 4460. Axe the cooler and go with a 212 Evo. Should have at least $155 left for a better GPU. The 760 will easily beat a 750 Ti and can still be had for around $140.

Example on mentioned hardware at 1080p with Very High settings using ShadowPlay.


How exactly am I supposed to get these discounts?

Clarify what you mean? Are you referring to the $550 amount vs $700? You DO realize a lot of the parts you picked have mail in rebates don't you?


Sorry, I am not really a PC whiz, I am talking about the mail in rebates.. what exactly are those?


Mail in rebates are not specific to PCs, they are as implied special offers that require proof of purchase and other info to be mailed in, while waiting for the rebate check.

Truth be told, they're kind of a hassle and I avoid them if I can. I have to go meet up with a friend right now though. Consider what I said above for now and I'll get back to you later.