Building a Gaming PC---


Jun 29, 2014
I would like to know if I am going to be able to run call of duty ghosts, battlefield 4 and new games for the next few years flawlessly on high settings.
This is what I've research for my build, keep in mind the pc will only be for gaming not for storing anything. Which is why I didn't think i would need a SSD. But not sure on that either.

I7 4790k 4 GH-Processor
MSI Z97 Gaming 5-Motherboard
Gigabyte GTX 760 GDDR5- 4GB--Video Card
Crucial 8 GB DDR3-Ballistix-Ram
1 TB Harddrive
Corsair CX Series 750 Watt ATX Modular- Power supply

Anything I should change or upgrade?
Now I'm thinking about putting a Radeon r9 290 card in. Seems what I've read on this site really gave that some good reviews and should be plenty for my gaming needs.....What's your thoughts?