Building a new PC - budget 1200€


Jul 14, 2010
Hi guys.

4 years ago, with the help of the community here, I built a computer that made me extremely happy (and still does).

That was:

CPU: Phenom II 1090T
GPU: Asus Radeon 6870
Memory: 4x2GB Corsair Dominator CL8 DDR3 1600Mhz
PSU: Corsair TX-850
HDD1: SSD Kingston V300 120gb
HDD2: Western Digital 640Gb 7200RPM 32Mb

I managed to get this for less than 1000€ at the time.

Now, even though I'm not really looking to upgrade, I was made an offer of 400€ for my computer, and thought I might as well see what's out there.

So first things first.

Don't care about OC.

I'm an AMD guy. Love them. That being said, to get any GPU that's not a GTX970 seems irresponsible at this point. I'm willing to fork out 300-350€ on a GPU, just need to make sure it's the best deal for the time being. What's your opinion on that? Before I found out about them, I was considering a R9 280X.

Can get it new for 190€. Seems my best bet at the moment. Comments?

Here's where I'm at a loss. Haven't been up to date for a few years.
A mate of mine got a Sabertooth 990 that seems interesting.
I have no interest in running 2 GPUs.
No need for onboard GPU
NEED onboard soundboard. A nice one, preferably.

I'm not picky.
Want to run dual channel, so 4x4gb seems right. So what the best deal out there?

Havent had issues with my corsair, though I noticed everyone's raving about them XFXs.
What say you?

Gimme your comments and questions, I'll reply as soon as possible in order to provide the most information possible.
GPU: Good choice, keep 970 in the cart, better than R9 280X/ 290 or GTX 770/780.

CPU: Bad choice, FX 9 is crap performance wise, 225W TDP, requires liquid cooling, super expensive MoBos, and not really better than FX 8 or i5 in gaming, or anything in general. Also, AM3+ platform is almost dead, why not take the more powerful, cheaper, more power efficient, more upgradable Intel? i5 rules in gaming, FX 8 can't defeat it even after OCing. So a 4690k or even 4460 would be good enough.

MoBo: For Intel, LGA1150 socket MoBos will do, Z MoBo if you want OCability. A sincere request, please do not go with FX 9. Also, there are plenty of B/H MoBos for locked i5's or Xeons under 100 Euros, and even some Z MoBos. I'd get a Z MoBo so as to be...
GPU: Good choice, keep 970 in the cart, better than R9 280X/ 290 or GTX 770/780.

CPU: Bad choice, FX 9 is crap performance wise, 225W TDP, requires liquid cooling, super expensive MoBos, and not really better than FX 8 or i5 in gaming, or anything in general. Also, AM3+ platform is almost dead, why not take the more powerful, cheaper, more power efficient, more upgradable Intel? i5 rules in gaming, FX 8 can't defeat it even after OCing. So a 4690k or even 4460 would be good enough.

MoBo: For Intel, LGA1150 socket MoBos will do, Z MoBo if you want OCability. A sincere request, please do not go with FX 9. Also, there are plenty of B/H MoBos for locked i5's or Xeons under 100 Euros, and even some Z MoBos. I'd get a Z MoBo so as to be able to SLI in future.

RAM: 16GB is fine, but take 2X8GB config, 1600MHz or higher speed, CL9 or lower. 2X8GB as 4X4GB puts more load on MC and is les upgradable. G.Skill Ares/ RJZ/ Tridents/ Corsair LP or Pro/ Crucial/ Adata/ Mushkin/ Patriot are all good brands.

PSU: Your current one is solid, however old. If it doesn't cause any ripples or issues, feel free to reuse it.
Thanks for your input m8.

What about an I7? Are there any that'd be better than the mentioned i5 models, even if it costs 50-100€ more? Like the 4790? I can get it for 250€, which is only 50€ more than what i can get the i5 for.

As for MoBos, I know absolutely nothing about the Z models.
I have no interest in OCing to be honest, since I know hardly anything about it, most of the times just use the "auto-tuners" available from the respective companies. I also don't intend to SLI, hence getting a GPU that'll last at least 5 years, I bet.

As for RAM, I was under the impression running them in dual channel put less load ? which is why I thought about 4x4gb, but ill take your word for it.
What do you think about the Corsair CMP16GX3M2X1866C9 ? DDR3, 1866, CL9. Sounds good?

PSU: The one I have will have to go with the computer once I sell it so I really need to get a new one. Maybe 850w, corsair or XFX? What'd be the best bet?

Thanks for the help, really appreciated it.
CPU: For 50 bucks more, you got a good deal there for an i7, there's not much performance difference right now, but i7 definately is better than i5, performance wise. So feel free to go with i7.

MoBo: A H or B MoBo would be fine if you don't intend to OC or SLI, they'll come under 100 bucks.

RAM: Yes less sticks put less load on MC, and that's a good thing. And the memory you suggested is good, but pricey IMO. G.Skill Tridents 2133/2400Mhz would be cheaper, while giving a couple frames extra.

PSU: If you don't intend to SLI, a 550W would be good. 650W for lots of headroom, 750W for SLI ability. Avoid Corsair CX/ CS/ VS/ CXM/ builder series PSUs, they're all low quality, XFX Pro/ Black/ XXX are much higher quality, recommended. XFX Pro 550W would handle the system with ease.

Also, if you can link the website you intend to purchase the components from (specifically RAM), It'd be helpful as I can suggest the best bang for buck.
From what I saw, H Mobo's can't handle the ram speeds I wish?
Regardless, I made the following list after your greatly appreciated advice.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($317.27 @ TigerDirect)
Motherboard: Asus Z97M-PLUS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($126.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Trident X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2133 Memory ($184.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($58.99 @ NCIX US)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($88.97 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($349.99 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT Phantom 410 (Black/Orange) ATX Mid Tower Case ($109.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: XFX Core Edition 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($96.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $1334.16
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-05 14:11 EDT-0400

I'll keep my ssd so no expense there.

I'll probably get parts from all around, but you can check, thats where I'm taking my references from.

I can get this build for +/- 1050€, minus VAT (since I'll have it billed to my company) thats 850€, minus the 400€ I'll get from selling my old pc, means I'll just have to pay 450€ for it. What do you think? Any changes?
H MoBos can handle that speed, but you're pairing your CPU with an even better MoBo so nevermind. Great choice on memory! You can consider WD Blue or Seagate Barracuda over Black as there's performance difference whatsoever, Black just has better warranty. For GPU, I'd get MSI over Asus, as it OCes better and is a bit cooler too:
Or you can go with GB G1 for the highest clock out of the box if you don't intend to OC. Avoid Asus as it's 970 has some sort of buzzing sound and coil whine. Everything else seems fine to me.

And you're getting a great bang for buck, 450 euros is a deal, hands down :)