hello guys
I'm looking to build myself an AMD , which specs is good for video editing cpu,gpu,psu ... etc , i'm using Adobe Premiere/After effects , I am working with 720P now , I need a PC which could manage the editing and rendring quickly , I've 2300$ now to build My Monster Video Editing Computer
Approximate Purchase Date : this week
Budget Range : 2300$
System Usage : video editing , watching HD movies
Are you buying a monitor : no
Do you need to buy OS : Actually purchased one
Preferred Website : newegg.com
Overclocking : no
SLI or Crossfire: no
Your Monitor Resolution : 1920*1080
I'm looking to build myself an AMD , which specs is good for video editing cpu,gpu,psu ... etc , i'm using Adobe Premiere/After effects , I am working with 720P now , I need a PC which could manage the editing and rendring quickly , I've 2300$ now to build My Monster Video Editing Computer
Approximate Purchase Date : this week
Budget Range : 2300$
System Usage : video editing , watching HD movies
Are you buying a monitor : no
Do you need to buy OS : Actually purchased one
Preferred Website : newegg.com
Overclocking : no
SLI or Crossfire: no
Your Monitor Resolution : 1920*1080