A while back I decided I was going to build a gaming PC, I looked over and did the resurch and picked the parts for a high end PC. Now I am beginning to build down my system, I am looking for ways to save on cash while still getting a high preforming system, therefor I desire input.
This was my original build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/ninonybox/saved/3nDH
And this is my newer build so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3E5Cg
I was wondering how much a performance loss am I actually suffering from, and also if there are ways I can save money.
I am most curious on the CPU change, even though it is not was powerful is there really much of a noticeable difference? Price to performance wise the new CPU is better from what I can tell.
I am not going to be overclocking my system, not yet anyways. If I want to overclock I can always get the parts later. This is why I removed the aftermarket cooler.
I downgraded the ram because really 8gb is all I will really need for gaming.
I removed the SSD because quite frankly I do not need it at all, load times don't really bother me to much and the price is not worth the use I will actually get out of it.
What other ways can I save, but more importantly how does this new build stack up against my old one?
I am also wondering if there are ways to save on the PSU while still getting the proper amount of wattage. I was thinking of getting this one instead.
I decided to ask here because I often find good information here, and the last forum I asked kept telling me to make it more expensive.
This was my original build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/ninonybox/saved/3nDH
And this is my newer build so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3E5Cg
I was wondering how much a performance loss am I actually suffering from, and also if there are ways I can save money.
I am most curious on the CPU change, even though it is not was powerful is there really much of a noticeable difference? Price to performance wise the new CPU is better from what I can tell.
I am not going to be overclocking my system, not yet anyways. If I want to overclock I can always get the parts later. This is why I removed the aftermarket cooler.
I downgraded the ram because really 8gb is all I will really need for gaming.
I removed the SSD because quite frankly I do not need it at all, load times don't really bother me to much and the price is not worth the use I will actually get out of it.
What other ways can I save, but more importantly how does this new build stack up against my old one?
I am also wondering if there are ways to save on the PSU while still getting the proper amount of wattage. I was thinking of getting this one instead.
I decided to ask here because I often find good information here, and the last forum I asked kept telling me to make it more expensive.