Building an App, possible or not?

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Sep 8, 2013
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my thread, I hope it is in the right spot.

I'm currently in a community and I'd like to create an App for iphone or android that would update people who download this app with updates from a specific facebook/twitter/youtube/personal forums/calendar updates uploads etc. Just something that can give notifications and have a feed of those updates and having it link to a certain account with each of those third party sites. Anyone have any suggestions or comments on this.

If you want to reinvent the wheel, for the iOS platform, learn a little Objective C.

But really, all you should have to do is publish the RSS link(s). Let people get it via whatever RSS reader they want to use. There are already many, on all platforms.

If you want to reinvent the wheel, for the iOS platform, learn a little Objective C.

But really, all you should have to do is publish the RSS link(s). Let people get it via whatever RSS reader they want to use. There are already many, on all platforms.
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