Building gaming pc (1st time) 1.5k-2k Budget


Jul 27, 2016
Hey guys, Do you guys think this is a good gaming pc for playing my games; Dota2, GTA V, Nba2k16, CSGO, Tomb Raider, BattleField 4. Thanks!

NOTE: I WILL PURCHASE GTX 1060 OVER THE GTX 970 (The price is not updated yet for pcpartpicker for 1060 so...)

Here's My Build
Since you're not overclocking (non-K series CPU), I would suggest that you save some money and use a i5-6500 CPU and a B150 series motherboard. You can also use the Intel stock cooler, since you're not overclocking. Put the money into a 512GB SSD. You'll appreciate having the extra space for the OS, programs AND files (vs on a slower HDD). Just use the HDD for long term file storage. Last, get a power supply that is modular and semi-modular. It makes cable routing easier.
Since you're not overclocking (non-K series CPU), I would suggest that you save some money and use a i5-6500 CPU and a B150 series motherboard. You can also use the Intel stock cooler, since you're not overclocking. Put the money into a 512GB SSD. You'll appreciate having the extra space for the OS, programs AND files (vs on a slower HDD). Just use the HDD for long term file storage. Last, get a power supply that is modular and semi-modular. It makes cable routing easier.

Thanks for the feedback. What's your suggestion for the B150 mobo?

Do you think the Msi b150 m3 atx is a good one?